Nature Does Not Stop For Nobody | Teen Ink

Nature Does Not Stop For Nobody

October 25, 2018
By vpuccio22 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
vpuccio22 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nature Does Not Stop For Nobody

Recently the United Nations just released a report on Climate Control. From the Washington Post, “The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control” (Washington Post). That was a really bold statement that has been made. Some people are going to look at that and say that is probably not true. However, a lot of people are going to be terrified by the idea. Many are not sure on what they should believe because the topic is split down the middle in most cases. This review is to help other and me included to be able to choose a side easily by boldly stating opinions and facts. Climate change is truly the destroyer of worlds is what the scientist say. However, we all should believe that Climate Change is a real thing, but most didn’t realized it is right around the corner. What that means is the current generation of teens could need to have to deal with problem that our ancestors have created for us. But, will we be enough to even stop it? No matter what the outcome of it all is because there needs to be action before change.

Research shows that if we cut all emissions completely that we will have a chance to survive. There is no way that in the near future that we will stop carbon from getting into the atmosphere. Unless there is an event that changes the world in a big way, big companies will still keeping pumping oil and burning it. That is what scientists have been saying for years and because of greed the world is falling apart because of humans. According to Nasa’s research on climate change, humans have been so bad with C02 levels that between 1950 and now the graph line is almost a straight line going up 100 parts per million of Carbon Dioxide. It says, The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century” (Nasa). These numbers seen small to the untrained eye, but a general understanding of what they mean tells how devastating it will be in the near future. Most of the people that are denying climate change are the people that work in the oil business. If they can’t sell the oil then no money of course. It is not impossible for them to adapt to something else but people like living a nice life if they can. Even though we were the best thing that happened on this world we are also the worst thing that happened to it. Now, I believe that humans were made just for this world because if we weren’t, there would be no need for rules of science because nothing would be smart enough to figure it out. In my opinion the world has two paths we can go down to if the theories are in fact true. The first one is keep doing what we have been doing and keep using carbon emissions to help find ways to get humans in space faster before the Earth is uninhabitable. The other one is stop what we have been doing and hold on to Earth as long as we can and then leave at some point. I do believe that where we start doesn’t need to be where we end. But, maybe nature will decide that decision for us if we do not at least acknowlege what is happening. Later down the line when we do come up a solution it will be us that will work together as people to accomplish it.

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