Why I Honor the American Flag | Teen Ink

Why I Honor the American Flag

November 16, 2018
By BookDiva2005 BRONZE, Slinger, Wyoming
BookDiva2005 BRONZE, Slinger, Wyoming
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The American flag is red, white, and blue.

What do these colors mean to you?

The red reminds us of the blood shed by fallen soldiers. Then, the white represents the innocent lives lost in the heat of battle and the angels which they have become. Lastly, the blue represents the sky that comforts soldiers at night. It represents the grief of the families of fallen soldiers. Many of these families grow up moving from place to place to allow loved ones, who are putting themselves in danger, to defend our country.

We stand to honor everything and everyone that makes us Americans. As we hold our hands over our hearts, we recognize all of the parents whose partner is in the Army, and who work extra shifts just to make ends meet for the children waiting for them at home.

We pledge to the flag every day an oath, that we as Americans will use this freedom to soar above expectations and that we’ll never forget the rare opportunity that was given to us. We recognize that this gift was given to us by birth and that there are still others out there every minute of every day fighting for us, fighting for America. We recognize that we could have been born into Communism or in war-stricken countries, but instead, we were born here in America.

The stories of Vietnam veterans are terrifying. What they did, what the fought through, and what they lived through are things we can only imagine. When they came home, they got no “thank you,” no applause, and instead, people shunned them or ignored them because it was considered a violent or taboo subject. Many were spit upon and shunned. Anti-war songs played on the radio; people beat them. This all happened because they went to war to defend our country.

Today, we are trying to make it up to these veterans through the Honor Flight. The Honor Flight is of no cost to the veterans. When they board, they are flown to their respective war memorials. When watching their stories, you will see many tear up when they realize they are loved and that they have received respect. We can never take back what we have done, but we are Americans who unite to fix a wrong.

Remember this as you proudly stand to salute the American Flag.

The author's comments:

To all those in the army or have family or friends in the military. Thank You

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