Dear School | Teen Ink

Dear School

May 22, 2019
By spencerbrown43 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
spencerbrown43 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear School,

When I found out you were a thing you didn’t really bother me for the first 5-6 years. But then I started realizing you get harder every year and just imagining how hard it would be in 10 years or so. Each year got a little harder but turned out fine. Every year in the end was a good year.

When I left elementary school the feeling of ‘’this is going to be so much harder’’ increased. I thought middle school was going to so much harder and I was worried. It was hard in the beginning and I struggled with it alot. But after the first half of the year I got a hang of it. I learned a lesson on work ethic and how you actually have to work hard to succeed. I was to used to elementary school which was so much easier. Then hearing that 8th grade is so much harder than 7th.

Just when I thought the feeling was over. It came back and I was worried it would be like the big change from 6th to 7th and I will have to go through a painful first half of the year again. Then 8th grade came along and it wasn't that bad. I think it was because 7th grade got me ready for it and I was finally not worrying about how hard school was.

But then I thought about high school, and I thought that this was going to be so hard. All my 8th grade teachers were saying how much harder high school was and always said ‘’your not going to be able to do this in high school. Then high school came and I thought this time it will be legitimately harder. But high school is fine. You just have to work hard, do your work, and you will be fine. Now I will never have this feeling again, well, until college at least.

The author's comments:

This peice is about what I think of school, I am a high school student and it tells me about my journey before high school. 

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