The Truth Behind Your Teacher’s Eyes | Teen Ink

The Truth Behind Your Teacher’s Eyes

April 14, 2019
By chloelanghorn BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
chloelanghorn BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought about what is going on in your teacher’s mind when they perch at their cluttered desk, seemingly busy typing on their tired computer? Why did they decide to dedicate their life to sharing their knowledge with adolescents? From young hip teachers laughing with the students about sports and sex, to elderly professors highlighting the importance of the syllabus, they all opted to have a career in teaching. After about a week of research and talking to absolutely zero teachers, I have found the answers to your questions.

Teachers can be terrifying. They hold a power over their students that dictates whether you go home to your parents wailing about the fact that you got a seven out of ten on the spelling test when Brittany got an eight. They decide whether there will be a pop quiz the day after you stayed out a little too late with Brad and the quantity of the curve on the test that you just didn’t study for. But on top of everything and what is on all your minds: teachers decide the seating arrangement. You wanted to sit next to the cute boy with the glasses who’s been direct messaging you on Instagram? Nope. Oh, you thought you could sit in a circle of all your best girlfriends and gossip about said cute guy? Ha. You’re quiet and shy and want to sit in the back hiding behind your laptop tweeting on an anonymous account? I don’t think so. It’s as if teachers can read the social dynamic of the classroom. They know who’s dating whom, who’s popular, who’s the recluse. Absolute power is only one attribute of teachers; they also have the opportunity to or not to get to know their students – feel young again.

When a teacher yells, they can’t control the class. Their blood boils at the noise level in the room, and they shake their fist to obtain silence. They stamp their heeled boot, eyes bulged in anger. They’re probably thinking God, why did I choose teaching?

When a teacher is silent, they are probably falling asleep behind their computer. The tapping sound of fingers on keyboards gradually puts them in a snooze as they consider what to make for dinner tonight for their kids. They’re thinking God, why did I choose teaching?

When a teacher is fresh out of college, they are so full of excitement that the idea of grading a class worth of ten-page papers is like opening a present at Christmas. Either they are so  that they are constantly walked all over by their students.

But an old teacher doesn’t necessarily mean a smart teacher. Some old substitute teachers are just teaching as a pastime, a way to get out of the house away from their freshly retired spouse. They glance at the detailed instructions the regular teacher has left them, the complex math equations and the intricate philosophical theories, and even these substitutes, they’re thinking, God, why did I choose teaching?

But enough of what we think of our teachers. Ever thought about what your teacher thinks of you? Their true opinion, not just what they tell your parents and write on your graded papers.

Geeky girl wearing the Clarks shoes, your teacher is thinking, Please buy some new shoes, and perhaps wax your eyebrows, and maybe shave your legs… you’d be bullied a lot less.

Rebellious jock with the pretty cheerleader girlfriend, your teacher is thinking, You should probably try harder in class; you’re not that good at football; you definitely need a plan B.

Pretty cheerleader girlfriend, your teacher is thinking, Christ almighty, stop acting dumb for attention – you actually have a brain, and it’s cool to be smart!

Bewildered foreign exchange student, your teacher is thinking, I have no idea what you just said, but I’m going to smile and nod and change the topic of conversation.

Group of Goths in the corner, your teacher is thinking, Is it a phase, “Mom”?

Guy that never comes to class, your teacher is thinking: F… F… F… F….

This is to say, teachers are human. They are not alien species that exist only during the hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., 4 p.m. if they’re holding detention. Have you ever seen your teacher outside of class? Like at the mall, or the grocery store? Imagine. You’re strolling down the frozen goods aisle with your mom, begging her to make pizza for dinner, and you spot your teacher, not-so-discreetly eyeing the infinite tubs of Ben & Jerry’s. Her husband approaches her from behind, puts his arms around her waist and kisses her lightly on the cheek. She giggles. She notices you, out of the corner of her eye, and turns a violent red. She smiles uncomfortably and maneuvers her husband away from the ice cream, glancing back reluctantly.

Yeesh. That was just as uncomfortable for her as it was you.

Do teachers really feel this way about students? I don’t know. As I said, I never asked them.

The author's comments:

This humorous article was assigned in an English Composition class and written as a freshman in college. It delves into the relationship between teachers and students and the way they feel about eachother behind closed doors. In other words, it says the unsaid.

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