Reason Why I Do It | Teen Ink

Reason Why I Do It

December 10, 2019
By Adrian0510 BRONZE, Peabody, Massachusetts
Adrian0510 BRONZE, Peabody, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Stone Backpack that is weighing me down, day by day , night by night is almost like perfectionism. It is impressing someone very close to me. Whenever I write for someone besides the person who assigned it to me, I think why, why does the grade I get from it really matter to me, do I really care. But I also think I have to care because I got this person in my head 24/7 telling me to become someone, not to be someone who is gonna be a waste and not contribute to society. I know everyday I need to impress this person. Writing is pretty much based off every subject when it comes to education. Now knowing that education is the beginning to being successful or even open a gateway into special talents you may never know you had. With me it was almost something to say “Whatever” to. Now I know what I’m saying sounds ridiculous as almost “ Who would not want be successful”. But I never had someone to impress or even I reason to even care. That someone is my father. My father is a successful person in my eyes. Came from another country, didn’t know english and was completely clueless on what was going on around him. So I take that into consideration. Life nowadays well for my generation it has become easy. But it does not have to be like, well at least for me. I always wanted to go through what my father went through, just for I can have some motivation and become successful. But his stories are my motivation. So when I have to write it is for a reason, that reason being I need to become successful for my father so he won’t be disappointed. So going to school everyday and learning tons of things, really opened my eyes. I happened to enjoy writing. Just being able to express yourself, tell your story or even tell

someone else’s story, just like I gave a little summary of my fathers. So when I used to write I always needed a reason for it, but now I enjoy it. I have zero problem writing weather it is for an assignment or even free time, when and if I wanna express myself or even tell a story, any story.

Writing to me now is how an eight year old is when he or she is in a toy store. Times I wrote in highschool was not really enjoyable. Because there was way too many demands or even questions that were too hard to answer. So know when I write, I either write for myself or the people who want to be understood like my audience . Understanding your audience is one of the greatest things a writer can do for the people they write for. So when I write it is for my audience, myself and the person I need to impress. Because in order for me to impress this person I need to impress others and grab their attention first, because then this person will be absolutely impress that I was able to impress plenty of others just by doing the thing I happen to like. So overall my feelings for writing is joy, interest, and confidence knowing that I finish the task. So to top everything off, the reason why I do it is not because I like to do it but because I have to do it.

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