My Qualitites | Teen Ink

My Qualitites

December 10, 2019
By isabellastrassel BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
isabellastrassel BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For my vice to virtue project, I chose the letter j to represent my vice and my virtue. My vice is judgemental. This is one of the bad qualities that I struggle with the most. Just to clarify, judgemental to me is not judging any person’s appearance. I do not use someone’s appearance to determine if they are my friend or not. I tend to judge people based on their clothing, personality traits, and little things like the number of piercings they have. I assume all of this based on how they act and how they live their day to day lives. Whenever I am judging someone, it is always in my head because the last thing I want is to hurt someone’s feelings. My goal is never to make someone feel insecure about their lives. Judging people is a bad habit of mine that I am struggling with, but I am every day I am trying to fix that.

For my vice to virtue project, I chose jocular as my virtue. I consider this to be one of the best qualities and most welcoming trait about me. Sometimes people make an assumption just by looking at me, and I try to use my personality to my advantage. When people see me, they often think that I am angry or sad. I use my personality to persuade them into thinking differently. Jocular means witty, playful, and humorous and many people describe my personality like that. I love making people smile and laugh because it makes me feel good about myself knowing I could have made someone’s day better. Jocular is the perfect word to describe my personality trait because I love to make people laugh with my witty, humorous personality.

I  wore the letter j on a sticky note to represent my vice and virtue. People ask me what it stood for and why I was wearing it. I was shocked that more people did not ask me questions about the letter. I figured many people already knew why I was wearing it since they are in honors too. It felt weird being defined as only two words that describe something I struggle with and one of my personailty traits. Since I wore a sticky note, my letter was not as noticeable as Hester’s. I can understand the pain Hester went through while wearing the scarlet letter. The embarrassment and guilt she felt every day because the town defined her as her greastest sin, adultery. That must be the worst things people have to go through. This was a great learning experience because I feel like I got a deeper understanding of Hester’s emotions througout the book.

The author's comments:

I feel everyone has their own good and bad qualities. I chose mine and wrote about them because I am willing to work and get better.

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