Junior Research Final | Teen Ink

Junior Research Final

March 9, 2021
By banorth BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
banorth BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

History can entail many events but history that we learn about in schools and bring up in discussion is the most important. There were many many crazy events throughout 2020 but few will stick around and be known as important history. Three main events will be remembered as the most important, the presidential election, the police brutality and BLM protests, and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. These events were not only the most important but will be talked about for generations.
One of the most notable events of 2020 was the United States presidential election and the controversy surrounding the final result. There have been many claims by former president Donald Trump that there has been severe illegal voting activity in six of the fifty U.S. states. The amount of absentee ballots due to COVID-19 has made the former president question the fairness of the election (Matterson). Many Americans were taking precautions due to the raging pandemic. Why stand in crowded lines that lead to an even more crowded building when all guidelines say to keep your distance from people? Questioning the fairness of an election is a little extreme and unnecessary.
During the insanity that was the summer of 2020, we saw many many political protests regarding police brutality. During some of the protests police still used very unnecessary force on those who were just trying to bring attention to a much bigger issue. “Police vindictively used weapons to attack people. And you can see that many, many, many times and they were bragging about it, and it is part of their culture”(Silverman). This will be remembered for years and years as the time where Americans stopped being silent and stood up for what they believed in.
Arguably the most notable event that is still occurring into 2021 and will most likely continue is the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. This pandemic has not only caused many people physical problems, but it has caused many mental health problems as well. A lot of people struggle with the isolation aspect of this pandemic. “Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but they can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety”(CDC). Everyone needs to stay strong during this pandemic so it can resolve itself much faster.
In conclusion, the presidential election, the police brutality protests, and the COVID-19 pandemic were easily the most important events in 2020. The presidential election caused major controversy throughout America that many citizens were terrified of. The police brutality protests saw some impact with officers placed on leave and actual attention being brought to the issue. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of people mental and physical health issues. So ask the ones you love how they are doing to make sure that they don’t have any issues they’re dealing with in secret.

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This is a "This Moment in History Starter Pack"

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