college essay | Teen Ink

college essay

November 9, 2009
By Anonymous

About two years ago, I began doing volunteer work at the preschool in my high school. Initially I did this just for the community service hours, but it wasn’t long before I grew to love each and every child there. I continued to work with children, even after I completed to 40 hours of community service requirement for my school.

I have always enjoyed working with children. When I was about eight years old I helped my sister when she started babysitting for one of our neighbors and ever since then I loved children, but I never really thought about working with them for the rest of my life. I loved everything about them. Their innocence, their laughter, the funny things they say, and watching them grow up and learn new things.

It wasn’t until the summer of 2009 that I realized that working with children is my passion, and the only thing I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. During the summer I was hired to work at a school down the street from my house as a camp counselor. Everyday for five weeks I was working with children that ranged from the ages five to twelve. I was nervous the first day, afraid that I wouldn’t be able to connect with the kids, and afraid that they might not like me. But I immediately connected with the kids, and the other camp counselors as well. I loved to see how the children interacted with one another, seeing the crazy things they did and hearing the funny things they said, and I loved how running around with them made me feel like a kid again myself.

The author's comments:
Its just the beginning. I'm not a good writer, or very creative so any pointers are grateful! Be very critical pleasee. thanks

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