Pack of Noodles | Teen Ink

Pack of Noodles

August 16, 2011
By Anonymous

The first time I used something other than the microwave, I burnt more than just food. After that I began to make any recipe possible from packs of instant noodles. I came to realize the definition of “independent”—one of the biggest accomplishments in my life. From starting to cook for myself to organizing whole school events, moving away from home changed my perspective on life itself. I found myself noxious of the habitual meals and being deprived of my mother’s goodnight kisses. Communication through a phone makes everything complicated over an extended period of time. Who knew life would be so difficult when your parents actually disappeared? On what seemed like a normal routine, I received a phone call one day unknown to what I was truly in for; my mother whimpered over the receiver, “work hard in school and be good.” She passed out from working too hard after that moment, sixteen-hour seamstress on the job. Mother still calls me daily to check with me. She cries quite a bit over the phone, still working extensively to pay for my education. I needed to be more independent; I knew she couldn’t do everything for me.
In my mother, I discovered not only how to be more self-sufficient, but also who I wanted to be. I learned to cook and clean the house; however, I excelled in school like my mother wanted, too. Starting in all regular classes, I challenged in taking all honors reaching advanced placement classes. I decided to expand my options and found new passions in the subjects I registered for in school such as Microbiology and Art. From the punctilious details in my procedures for growing pure bacterial cultures, to the precision I had for each stoke I made with my paint brush, I found the same meticulousness in the art of teeth. This new obsession drew me to shadow other dental students, work in dental clinics, and find any opportunity possible. I knew then that I wanted to go to UF for their profound dental school, so I could pursue my new dream as a dentist. Though I found myself to excel in everything I could, till this day, I still look back at that phone call knowing that my mission wasn’t over.
The independence imposed upon me after moving taught more than just responsibility; it motivated me to excel and arrange for bigger and better opportunities. Independence showed me how to strive for success, how to lead and manage greater numbers of people, how to be organized and coordinate events, how to participate and be highly involved in my student body; independence taught me how to do everything I could by myself. My mother not only gave me this independence, but also the motivation to be anything I strived to pursue. So how was making noodles independent? It embodied the primary step to taking responsibility for my own wellbeing. Fortunately, I don’t eat packs of noodles anymore—I cook like my mother.

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