Personal Views | Teen Ink

Personal Views

May 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Our world is not a perfect world. Everywhere we turn is filled with corruption and deceit. This is opposed to God’s plan for our lives. That is one reason I attend a “Christian” school. I draw out “Christian” because over time I have found my school is no different than any other, except in academic ways. I attend [unnamed] Christian School. [unnamed] Christian School truly carries a great responsibility. We carry the name of God and claim to spread His name to whoever we may compete against. Unfortunately, I have noticed something disturbing about My school’s student body. No one is on fire for God. In fact, very few students are Christians at all. I do not say this out of my own judgmental view, for I am a sinner and have no right to judge. I say this out of the knowledge others have entrusted me with. Many students I have asked about their faith have flat out told me they were not Christians. When I asked why, they told me a simple reason, yet it is a crushing blow: they do not believe the Bible. The Bible is the unerring word of God, yet they do not believe. This presents a huge problem to the My school Bible curriculum. My school teaches class through a viewpoint in which each student knows the Bible and is a Christian. Sadly, this is not the case. My school has not given me any way to “combat” this. As a Christian, it is my job and my desire to spread God’s Word and His name. Unfortunately, I feel ill equipped to do so. What I learn in my Bible class may help me understand the context of the Bible, but it in no way helps me be an evangelist or even tell others about God. This is a rather large issue for a Christian school. We need to be equipped with the knowledge of how to combat the world’s evil and Satan’s temptation. We need to be shown how to love and strive for goodness. My pastor recently stated that when he gets frustrated, or someone is putting him down, he desires to do good. Comically, he stated, “as people keep putting me down, I’m just gonna keep getting gooder and gooder.” That is the attitude we as students need. From what I have seen and heard [insert college name] has students with that attitude. I wish to go to a school like that, and [insert college name] sounds perfect.

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