Still Our Meeshie | Teen Ink

Still Our Meeshie

November 7, 2013
By thatconfusedgirl BRONZE, Barrington, Rhode Island
thatconfusedgirl BRONZE, Barrington, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The question that sometimes dirves me hazy: am I or the others crazy?" ~ Albert Einstein

She chattered nervously as she drove about people I didn't know and places I couldn't recall. I tuned most of it out making the occasional “That’s nice” or “That’s not nice” and stared out my window to the scenery of growing familiarity. The driver was pretty, an understated type, but pretty nonetheless. That was basically all I knew about her. Could I trust her? She seemed nice enough and the people I lived with, my family I suppose, seemed to like her but I wasn’t even sure I could trust them yet. They were strangers and I still question why the hospital allowed them to take me. They seemed nice but they could've been the reason my mind was blank. They could've hurt me to unconsciousness and gotten lucky enough that it all got wiped away.

These frightening thoughts make the constant throbbing in my head beat harder and harder, until I can hardly stand it. I close my eyes and hope that when I open them the pain will be gone and this was all a dream. "Meeshie? Michelle are you okay?" Panic starts to creep into her voice, she sounds like she honestly cares, maybe she does. I open my eyes, plaster on what I hope looks like a smile and turn back to her "Yes?" She lets out a breath, "You weren't responding, I got scared." She does sound scared. Maybe she is safe. Maybe I can trust her. I want to trust her. I want to trust everyone but how can I when I don't know who they are? "I'm okay, thank you."

We pull into a parking lot in front of a large building that says "SHOWCASE CINEMA" across the top in bold red letters, it must be the movie theater. As she circles around looking for a parking spot I become more and more nervous. These people, my friends, if I can believe that's what they are, they like this Michelle girl but I'm not her, I don't feel like her, I don't sound like her, even her clothes don’t seem to fit. "Do you think they'll like me?" I cover my mouth. I didn't want to say that. I didn't want to ask her that and make her admit if she didn't like me. Fear washes over me. I'm not her. What if they hate me now? My parents and sister keep saying I'm so different. Even this girl, my debate partner, one of my closest friends, she noted that I was different when we first met. So how am I supposed to fill the shoes of a girl I don't remember?

"Meeshie, they already love you and we'll all be there through this no matter what.” I stare at her. She says it so matter of factly I want to believe it's true. They loved Michelle. Even if I don’t feel it, I am her. I just have to try and do what seems natural, and maybe it’ll be the same as what was natural to her. Maybe they could grow to love me too. "Ready?" She asks watching me attentively. "No, but I'm as close as I'm going to be so let's go," I say with an attempt at a smirk. She laughs. Not the sad little laugh that I've heard from her when she tries to explain things to me and realizes I don't even have the background knowledge to understand them, but a real laugh. A happy one. I haven’t heard anyone happily laugh since the accident. They’re too afraid. She stops and smiles at me, "Yea, You're still our Meeshie."

The author's comments:
Hi lovelies thanks for reading! This is one of my possible college essays let me know what you think! Also if you could write in the comments what you think is happening that would be super because I can't tell if it's too vague.

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