The Pink Notebook | Teen Ink

The Pink Notebook

November 10, 2013
By danielle meadows BRONZE, Claymont, Delaware
danielle meadows BRONZE, Claymont, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I want you to stay”
Once upon a time not so long ago, I wrote that exact line in our hot pink notebook we share. The we is not important right now but soon it will be.
Let me explain, I'm an 18 year old girl trying to live her life the best she can but once day this book was bestowed on her, “Dash & Lily’s Book Of Dares”. Ever since I read it, it has become my bible. Lily creates this notebook that she leaves clues in, for someone to figure out and answer. This guy Dash finds the notebook and figures out everything. They go back and forth every other day. Which made me think, if Lily and Dash can do it, why can’t I ? So I said to myself, “ Danielle you will make a notebook like theirs and trade it with someone every other day.” And then I answered myself, “Self of course im going to, but with whom?” The perfect person came to mind.

Then the next question came up, what to put in the notebook, aha our favorite song, you can't go wrong with that.

A month goes by and we are still doing this notebook exchange, and then something happens, Eric says, “I feel like I’m more like Lily than Dash. You are the only person that makes me smile by just being there.” Maybe this book has something to it, finding someone for you. Lily and Dash find each other so maybe there is some hidden secret to it.
But what is it ?
You see it has taken me so long to figure it out and one day it hit me like a million lions. The secret is….
You have to have the courage to take a chance. Lily and Dash had so much courage to pass a notebook back and forth with someone they have never met, we could all learn from them.

The author's comments:
"this is about my boyfriend and i, and how we share this notebook. it is also about the book it came from."

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