Dance | Teen Ink


November 15, 2013
By danielle meadows BRONZE, Claymont, Delaware
danielle meadows BRONZE, Claymont, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the lights are low, and I take one step onto that dance floor, I have never felt more alive in my life. With a deep breath, I walk out onto the black floor. I stop, pose and wait for the music to begin. I hear that first note of music, I hit the releve, the split, the leap .When I finally hit that perfect pique, I feel like the entire world is perfect. Once that music stops I have never felt more accomplished in my life.
Every breath, every step, everything I do is dance. I wouldn’t be the same without it. When I dance, I let go of so much of the stress and pressure I feel from everyone else. I may not count on many things in my life but the one thing I do know is that dance will never leave.
With every disappointment comes tears, with every fight comes anger, with every heart break comes fear, and with every one of my emotions comes dance. I can be under the worst pressure or a terrible mood and once I walk onto the dance floor I forget all of it. I have had to overcome many things in my life but at the end of the day I would never be who I am without dance. If I had never felt the rush, excitement, and success I feel when I dance then I may not have gotten through all the rough and dark times in my life.
Without dance, what's the “pointe?” There is no point.

The author's comments:
"this is my whole life in one essay"

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