That One Day | Teen Ink

That One Day

December 11, 2013
By finco24 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
finco24 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I take my seat as the bell rings. The teacher passes out the exam test. The last thing she says is, “Do not cheat or your test will not be graded.” Questions one and then ten go by, I think, “Wow this studying really paid off.”

I look over to one of my classmates. He copied all of my answers. I didn't think of anything of it at the time, but I changed two to three of my answers just so I wouldn’t get in trouble.
I know that this isn’t the right thing to do. It looks like I am the cheater. I panic knowing what I just did was the wrong thing. But I am finished with my exam and thought to myself nothing will happen.

I get up and hand in my exam. The bell rings and I’m on to the next exam, and the next one. Lunch comes. I get to the cafeteria and sit down to enjoy my lunch when someone taps me on the shoulder and whispers in my ear, “Can you come to my room. I need to talk to you.” I turn around and it’s my English teacher.

Walking into the classroom, I notice my Scranton and the person’s Scranton who cheated off of me. I noticed I got an A on the exam, as well and the cheater. But unfortunately, he had a higher grade then me.

The teacher looks at me and wants me to explain how this happened. I knew there was no way of escaping that it looks like I am the cheater now. But I didn’t cheat.

I explained to her what have happened. Now looking back on it I know the right thing was to stay after class and just let her know the situation. It’s easy to make mistakes, but harder to learn from them.

This was a big learning point in my life. It taught me now on to handle situations a lot more maturely, also I think of today that it wouldn't of been a problem to wait after class for a minute to let the teacher know the circumstances.

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