The Two of US | Teen Ink

The Two of US

January 7, 2014
By Anonymous

People, ordinary people just like you and me, have been on this planet for thousands upon thousands of years. Billions of human beings have been born, have lived lives, and then have passed on, and every single one of those individuals had a story—who they were, what they did, how they felt. Not one story is told twice, everyone leads a different life. I want to discover and appreciate as many of those stories as I can, through anthropology, because I feel that every person is significant. Each individual makes some kind of impact and leaves behind his or her own mark.

How the accumulation of these lives and stories, of every man and woman, intricately weave together to create the history of the world absolutely amazes me. I just love how anthropology and history intertwine with each other in this way to make up this fascinating study of humankind over time. I want to learn how the human race has developed from the beginning of man to now. I want to understand how factors such as culture and society have affected history. I want to know why we humans have become the way we are.

When learning about the past of the human race, I feel connected to history and to all human beings. I feel as if I am a part of something bigger than myself. By studying both these subjects, anthropology and history, I will be able to unravel the mysteries and untold stories of humankind.

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