College Essay | Teen Ink

College Essay

May 12, 2014
By Anonymous

As the youngest member of my family, I have always been considered the baby. I have one sister who has been in college for three years now and that has given me time to grow up. I was not very close to my sister before she left, but now we are best friends. We have both grown separately since she left but now we have more in common.

I would say the one event that marked my transition for adulthood in my family was when I got my drivers license in December of 2012. The responsibility of having a car and taking the initiative when you want to go somewhere was very refreshing. Having the freedom to go out and buy food and things for myself really changed me. The transition from having my parents do everything for me, to having the freedom to do it myself helped me grow into an independent person.

Another aspect of my life that has helped me grow up is the fact that my parents are from England. They treat me like an adult and give me the perfect about of responsibility. I have learned so much about myself because my parents allow me to be independent. All of these combined events have shaped me into adulthood. Many things contribute to my character but I would say the exact moment was when I got my drivers license.

I have learned a lot about myself and have grown into adulthood because of the support and environment of my family. I appreciate everything that has lead me to this point and I love the freedom that is given to me. I truly feel ready to venture into the world all because of my upbringing.

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