Dreamer | Teen Ink


September 24, 2014
By Lucasbegolfin41 BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
Lucasbegolfin41 BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
YAHT-ZEEEE. -Brady Wright

Oscar Wilde once said that “Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.” As a future student and adult, I can only hope that I retain the imagination that I so currently have. $100 million doesn’t just change your plans; it changes your entire life.

Any one person knows that the most righteous thing to do would be to give the majority of this money to a charity. However, I have big plans for my life. I hope to major in landscape architecture and also get a minor in business so that someday I can start and own my own Landscape design company. My dream is to become a landscape architect and design golf courses. I am, and always will be, an avid golfer. I want to give back to the game in any way I can because golf has taught me more about life, than just the game itself. With a minor in business, I could start my company and possibly expand into other fields such as designing botanical gardens or city parks.

Knowing that there is $100 million waiting for me to earn a degree would probably influence my college lifestyle quite a bit. It would persuade me to party less, study more, and to put in actual effort into my work so that I don’t just “get it done”. What is ones attitude supposed to be when you know that all you have to do is get a degree and you’re home free with $100 million? A sum of money like that has enough influence to make anyone go to college and work their butt off. College life is meant to be fun, but at the same time you’re getting an education… which is not so fun. However, I would blow off any party for the $100 million light at the end of my proverbial tunnel.

Life after college would be a ball. All the things that I have ever wanted to do, dreamed of doing, could be done. Once I got my landscape design company started I would take my dad to Europe for that golfing trip we have been planning for years. I would take my best friends, Beau and Jeffrey, on the duck hunt we have dreamed about in Stugghart, Arkansas. In reality, $100 million is like a get out of jail free card. And as bad as it may sound, most of this money will be spent on temporary, materialistic things that many would deem and reckless or “financially unsavy”. Truth is, I would do it all anyway. Too many people let their dreams die, and this gift would punch my ticket to take mine higher.

The author's comments:

This is an essay written for a prompt that says that you will win $100 million if you get your degree. The prompt was released by The University of Georgia. 

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