Animal Impact | Teen Ink

Animal Impact

September 24, 2014
By emily_diana BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
emily_diana BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dogs barking, cats meowing, the monitor beeping along with the heartbeat of the small K9 on the cold hard medical table in front of me. I could feel the adrenalin rush through me like a tsunami. Standing there watching my idol at work, I knew what I wanted to do with my life.

 I have never been the best at school work; always coming in second or even last place. I was always told that I was not good enough and that I could not do things I wanted to do. I always wanted to quit and give up. That all changed when I shadowed Dr. Scott Meyers for my 9th grade biology project. Dr. Meyers explained to me during our interview, “ I never thought of school as an easy thing. I wanted to give up, believe me, but I knew giving up would not get me anywhere. I pushed through no matter how hard it was.” this inspired me to overcome obstacles in life that may be perceived as impossible.

I have wanted to be a veterinarian for as long as I can remember. I have always loved animals and help them whenever I can. I also love art but never thought I could go anywhere with it in the future. Seeing how Dr. Meyers does what he does with animals and art drives me to succeed, and it reminds me to push through the hard times and never give up. To see someone living my dream proves to me that following that dream is possible. i know now that if i want to achieve success, I have to push myself to be my best.

 Meeting Dr. Meyers really opened my eyes. Without his help, I would probably give up my dream and never have a happy life. I know vet school will challenge me but I will try my best and be the best I can be. As difficult as things may seem, I will think of Dr. Meyers and how inspirational he is and how wise his mistakes have made him. he is my drive toward success and he is my inspiration. He has greatly impacted my life and my views on my dreams.

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