A Second Chance | Teen Ink

A Second Chance

September 24, 2014
By chappers BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
chappers BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Helen Keller once said, “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart.” They had a warm lightheartedness about them. The pale blueness of their eyes radiated an almost magical sense of happiness I had never seen or felt before. It saddened me knowing that the two bundles of joy laying in the sunlight before me could not hear my voice when I called them. Despite the muted world around them, they watched me intently with trusting eyes, occasionally sighing with relaxation as their soft fur soaked in the rays, happy as can be. As I knelt down, they both sprung up with immense energy and pranced in my direction as if they knew exactly what I was trying to convey. To understand one another without the ability of language is truly a special connection between humans and animals. One that I have always admired (fragment).

Since I was a child, I knew that I would focus my life around the well-being and care of our furry friends. I realized what the most important and most beautiful thing in life was when I saw those deaf puppies enjoying the world around them. I saw it in their eyes. It so happened to be what we sometimes take for granted, and it was happiness in its most pure form. Right there, at a place called Second Chance Farm, I knew what my job – my calling – in life was. I wanted to be a guardian angel; I was going to be the voice for those who do not have one.

 The two snow white shepherds were a product of bad breeding. Born deaf, they were sent to be euthanized. Instead, they were fortunate enough to escape death despite their handicap and were given an opportunity to experience this wonderful thing we call life. Second Chance Farm is “a place of refuge for abused, physically handicapped, aged or homeless animals.” It is also a   place where my heart can be found among the amazing creatures that reside there. Volunteering at this facility has helped me find where my happiness in life lies. It has inspired me to continue my dream of working to aid animal rehabilitation and ensuring the quality of life to those who are neglected in one way or another. I believe that my job in this world is to make sure animals have a second chance at a life. At Second Chance Farm, I see lives changed by the love and care by someone who wanted to make a difference. Their lives turned around because of one outreached hand. I want to do everything that I am capable of to pursue my dream in making a difference. Love and devotion can conquer anything, and I want to make that a reality for as many lives as possible.

 Texas A&M University can help aid my future by supplying me with all the tools and knowledge necessary to utilize my passion to its full potential. I want to touch the hearts of others and I am confident Texas A&M can begin my long and beautiful path in making my dreams a reality. The paleness of their innocent blue eyes made their mark in my heart, leaving a pure sensation never to be masked or forgotten. A sensation that led to my determination for a successful future in helping our furry friends, big and small (fragment).

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