What it means to be an American | Teen Ink

What it means to be an American

October 8, 2015
By Crunchdaddy BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Crunchdaddy BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Just look at the faces of the immigrants arriving to the New World on the cramped boats in the late eighteen hundreds. Look at lady Liberty and how she holds her torch up. For many, if you were to ask them “What it means to be an American”, they would reply with “I don’t know, what?” or “To be is blank” fill in the blank with a specific race. To this day this question cannot really be answered but for the most part the idea of what your answer should be is superimposed in almost everything. For me the idea of what it means to be American is not only how you feel as one but in what you do as one.

This is the same as the promise of America. America is a promise of unity and be an American is to keep that promise of unity, to work as a single entity with the other people who all share commonalities with you. Being an American is not a privilege as others would have it be. Being an American is a reward for those who struggle and who work hard to survive in times of desperation and need. For example, the people who travel from where they were born and raised come to the United States in efforts to leave the terrible wars or circumstances that they were exposed to. This is the power of strength and as a reward these people are granted with being American citizens.

To be an American is not solely to have been born here in the States but to have recognized the fact that America is a place of solace and comfort from unwanted retribution. America is a safe haven. You can see this by how many people speak fondly of America, such as former president Franklin D. Roosevelt, Langston Hughes, Emma Lazarus, Claude McKay etc.

To be an American is not to limit the freedom of oneself or others. It is not worrying what others think about you socially or politically knowing that as an American there are others like you. When I think of being an American I include every race because just having documents or papers’ verifying that you are a legal citizen is enough. Being an American we have a duty and responsibility; and one of those responsibilities include welcoming others with open arms.

Being an American is so much more than anyone can imagine. Everyone has their own perspective and voice and that alone is a symbol of what it means to be American.

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