University of California: Los Angeles | Teen Ink

University of California: Los Angeles MAG

By Anonymous

Los Angeles, CA: As a junior in high school, I have started to look at colleges. My mother and aunt both work at UCLA and have told me a lot about it over the years, which is why it is one of the colleges that has caught my eye.

University of California: Los Angeles is in the city, but it’s basically its own city considering how big it is. There are around 39,000 students enrolled with 26,000 undergraduates and 11,500 graduate students. The university offers a wide variety of majors. The most popular are social sciences, biology, psychology, engineering, history, English, visual and performing arts, and interdisciplinary studies. UCLA is very hard to get into and 91 percent of students have a high school GPA of at least 3.75.

UCLA is not only a teaching facility but has a research and practice hospital. The campus is extremely large with many buildings, lots of trees and outdoor study areas, as well as numerous restaurants. UCLA also offers a wide range of sports and activities for students.

I like the environment and the sports (Division I). Although the college is very good and it meets most students’ needs, I do have one problem: for me, it is extremely big with a lot of people. I recommend this college to others because it offers a lot. The type of people I think would feel comfortable here are students who are very dedicated and smart.

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This article has 1 comment.

fanniebannie said...
on Jan. 15 2009 at 11:51 pm
This wasn't as in depth as I would have liked, but I still enjoyed reading about UCLA and though I'm only a freshman, I'm considering lots of colleges--especially this one. Thanks for writing the review:D