MSU is where it is at! | Teen Ink

MSU is where it is at!

February 9, 2010
By tylerj13 BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
tylerj13 BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody should give Michigan State University a visit. It is a beautiful college and had one of the most amazing campuses in the country. I haven’t visited many colleges but Michigan State is the best by far. There are many reasons why but there are a few reasons that stick out. The environment, the colors, the food places, and the sporting complexes were the things that really make it great.
Michigan State is in East Lansing Michigan. It is a pretty good sized city but it is an awesome environment. The colors of Michigan State are green and white. The schools campus is kind of like a rural environment.
The best 2 parts about Michigan State when I went there were the food places and the sporting places. The football field was amazing. The press boxes were amazing and the whole facility was just one of the best football stadiums I have ever been in. The basketball court is also really cool. I got to go back behind the stuff you see on TV and it is spectacular. The court is basically just a big puzzle. The dining was good as well. They had a very wide selection of foods and it was easy and fast to get your food. It was almost like a buffet in a way. You just picked what you wanted, put it on your tray and paid. It’s that simple. You could pay with cash or this kind of credit card like thing.
All in all I highly recommend at least giving Michigan State a visit. You will most likely like it and it will not be a waste of your time. I promise you there will be at least one thing that you will like about it.

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on Mar. 23 2010 at 6:27 pm
HunterGirl_58 GOLD, Los Lunas, New Mexico
11 articles 1 photo 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If this is what it takes to get there. . . . then BRING ON THE PAIN!!!"

Oh. . . My. . . Gosh! I want to go to MSU so bad!!! Its been a life long dream, i just hope i can get there. GO SPARTONS!!! =D