Elon College | Teen Ink

Elon College MAG

By Anonymous

   Elon College, NC: ElonCollege's beauty and educational resources amazed me. The first thing I noticedas I walked around campus was the abundance of flowers. Every lawn was brightgreen and some even had large fountains. Then I noticed the large,classic-yet-modern academic buildings. They were brick, which made them look veryconservative, but inside they were full of beautiful colors, fabrics anddesigns.

The most captivating building was the brand-new library. It washuge, with several levels, thousands of books and a comfortable environment. Italso contained state-of-the-art equipment: lap tops for students to borrow,hundreds of new computers, film equipment and super-high electronic bookshelvesthat move at your command. The place was amazing!

The people at Elonwere very nice and the social life seemed interesting. The food was excellent andthe sports teams are very successful. I definitely suggest checking out thisbeautiful Southern school.

Reviewed in 2000

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