Tufts | Teen Ink

Tufts MAG

By Anonymous

   Medford, MA: It was a chilly November day in my junior year when I group of students and I enrolled in the Tufts University Shadow Program. We met at my high school to travel to the campus, ten minutes away. Located on the Medford/Somerville line, two cities on the outskirts of Boston, it contains the bustle of a city, yet the serenity of a calm community.

The tour was given by a group of students attending Tufts. They gave us a great breakfast and a brief description of possible majors as well as activities at the college. The qualifications needed to be accepted were also discussed.

We then broke into small groups with a student guide who took us to the excellent athletic facilities. We then went to the dorms, which were rather small but well equipped with a computer and internet hook-up.

After checking all these sites, we sat in on a class. Our group went to a small auditorium with 75 college students and a professor lecturing. I noticed that the room was equipped with televisions, VCRs and overhead projectors.

Lunch time was creeping up on us. We walked across the tree-covered campus to the lunch hall. The food was served buffet-style and was all-you-could-eat. It was delicious. The meal topped off the wonderful day I had.

So, if college picking time is near, be sure to check out Tufts University, a great school with a great atmosphere. f

Reviewed in 1997

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i love this !