Saint Anselm | Teen Ink

Saint Anselm MAG

By Anonymous

   Manchester, NH: Saint Anselm College, located two miles from downtown Manchester, New Hampshire, attracts students from 30 states and 12 foreign countries. It is a four-year, coeducational, Catholic college rounded in 1889 by the Order of Saint Benedict. Saint Anselm's is considered a small college with an enrollment of 1,850 full-time students. This is just some of the valuable information that my campus tour guide provided me during my visit.

On my tour, I was informed that the college offers 28 majors along with pre-professional and cooperative engineering programs. Saint Anselm's liberal arts and science program gives students a chance to have an open mind toward the world around them. I was also well-informed about the college's core curriculum. It consists of a publicly praised humanities program called "Portraits of Human Greatness." This program encourages students to become courageous individuals.

All courses at Saint Anselm College are taught by faculty members 80% of whom have doctoral degrees. The average class size is 25. This small setting allows for more student/teacher relationships. My tour guide notified me that the professors are always available to the students outside of the classroom.

There are endless opportunities to get involved in Saint Anselm's community, including 50 campus organizations, which range in interest from the Anselmian Music Society to the French Club to Student Government. Another way to be associated with life on campus is through the popular athletic programs. It is comprised of varsity, intramural and recreational sports. More than 80% of the students at Saint Anselm College participate in some form of athletics during their four years. There is an activity available for every type of student who attends this college.

The presence of the Benedictine Order was apparent when I first stepped on the grounds of the campus. The Saint Anselm Abbey is located at the heart of the campus. This beautiful church is the one thing that attracted me the most to Saint A's. I did not feel like a stranger walking around campus. There was a friendly face around every corner. If I happened to come across one of the forty monks who live on campus, a faculty member or a student, each one would greet me with a reassuring smile.

In my opinion, Saint Anselm College would be a wonderful environment to spend the next four years of my life. Don't take my word for it. The next time you have a free weekend, take a leisurely drive up to Manchester, New Hampshire to see Saint Anselm College for yourself. After your visit I am sure Saint Anselm's will be another college you will want to send your tedious applications and essays to this fall. f

Reviewed in 1997

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i love this !