Fitchburg State | Teen Ink

Fitchburg State MAG

By Anonymous

   Fitchburg, MA: When people say that the college process is difficult, they are usually referring to the applications, SATs and forms galore. I, however, would like to address another hair-pulling part of the college process: deciding which school to attend once the acceptances come in.

The location, the expense, the course selection, as well as the diversity of students are all important factors in making the right decision. After much deliberation, I found everything that appealed to me at Fitchburg State College in northwestern Massachusetts.

The students are very receptive and willing to help new faces find their way around campus. Fitchburg State College offers many courses in order to expose students to the vast opportunities they may choose to pursue as careers. The college gives the impression that there are no limitations to what one can achieve through its curriculum.

The campus is very open and there is a genuine sense of community spirit. Being only an hour and a half from Boston is a great convenience to me. The option of going home on the weekends is a definite attraction.

The classroom facilities are impressive. The nursing majors have their own mock hospital that provides excellent hands-on training. The Communications building has a brand-new computer system that allows students to be in touch with practically the rest of the world.

If you are looking for a window to the future, I feel you should take some time and visit the campus yourself. It has a lot to offer and an experience I do not want to miss. f

Reviewed in 1995

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i love this !