Gordon College | Teen Ink

Gordon College MAG

By Anonymous

   Wenham, MA: Gordon College is a Christian college where all students attend chapel three times a week. The Chaplain is new this year. During services, there are speakers, demonstrations, and many other things.

There are about 1200 students. In your freshman year, you attend lectures with 100-200 students, which breas up into smaller groups as the year progresses. The core curriculum is based on your major. There are seven dorms which are coed by side with open dorm hours when you can visit the other side of the dorm.

There is plenty to do on weekends. You are five minutes from a beach, half an hour from Boston, with coffee houses, movies, bands and many other things.

The community at Gordon is very oriented around having fun and sharing the Christian perspective. Due to the size, you get to know everyone and everyone gets to know you. This can be both positive and negative. Although I haven't visited, I talked at length to a senior who shared her life and the life of the campus with me very willingly. The educational and spiritual opportunities seem to abound at Gordon. f

Reviewed in 1995

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