A Dogs Adventure | Teen Ink

A Dogs Adventure

November 18, 2018
By Anonymous

A Dogs Adventure

In this fiction story, the readers will take a journey into the inside of a dog's brain; learning what they think about, how they talk, and their view point of human life. The story will be for entertainment and to add humor. We will be going through a dog's past life and his present life, as he takes the journey of a curious puppy to a full-grown adult. The puppy in this fiction story is a pure-bred, male golden retriever, and is one out of twelve other puppies (seven brothers and four sisters). The story will take the reader on a closer look into a few of the highlights from this dog's life and the moments that he will cherish forever.
We will start off the story when our main character, the puppy, was adopted by his family. The setting is a nice September day with a windy breeze and if you look closely, the beginning of fall is starting to appear. Let's start the story from the voice and view point of the puppy. I look around me and I see the fall leaves coming off the trees and a squirrel climbing up the big oak tree. I feel the wind blowing through the fur on my ears. I see the two humans that I have known since birth, just sitting in rocking chairs on the deck and they are talking about something. My siblings are jumping on each other and wrestling. When I look at them, I notice these weird bands around their necks with weird little numbers on them. I look around and notice a box that has wheels. It starts turning into the road that humans call a "driveway". It stops, and I see my brothers and sisters start running towards it to check it out. The doors of the big box open and humans walk out. As soon as I see them, I race to go smell them. The two bigger humans, they look quite younger than my original humans, walk up to the humans that I live with and start blabbing to them. I am not quite sure what they are saying. I look around some more and I notice that there are three little humans sitting in the dirt playing with my siblings. I go over to them in a playful-jumping run and start pawing at the littlest human. I start biting her hair and hopping on her stomach. I heard her say, "Mom! Dad! I want this puppy!" and suddenly she picked me up and swung me around. The rest of the evening was a blur to me. All I remember is the humans putting me inside the big box and as they drove away, I saw my brothers and sisters starring at the car, wondering when I would be back, and I slowly fall asleep. I woke up to the little tiny humans just starring at me. I blink a couple times to wake up. I look around, and all around me are walls with different corners and furniture all over the room. For the next two weeks my new humans called me "puppy" and then all of a sudden switched it to "Gus". It is very confusing, but I think I am learning what humans' lives are like.
Fast forward two years. The date is December 24th, 2014 and it is close to about 6 pm. This is Gus's second time seeing snow, and he is ecstatic about it. Now we will get back to Gus' thoughts. I wag my tail and start jumping around to let my humans know that I want to go outside and play with my best friend Dooey. They finally catch on to my hint and open the door for me. When I walk outside, I see the white stuff humans call "snow", just like I saw last year. Except this time there is way more of it. I smell around and bite at the snow to try and get a taste, it doesn't really taste like anything, but it is super fun to feel it melt in my mouth. After searching all around the neighborhood for my friend Dooey, I couldn't seem to find him, so I gave up and played in the snow more. I then hear my master call "Gus come! Treat!". I race to the big box that humans call a "house". I run the fastest I ever have before because I am starving and need dinner. I walk into the big box and see a big green triangle in the middle of the room. I remember seeing those triangles everywhere outside, but I am wondering why the humans have one inside right now. I start walking towards the big green thing to see if it is threatening to my humans. As I get closer, I see big and little boxes wrapped in this weird kind of paper with bows and cards on them. I start smelling around, I smell all sorts of new smells, but I can't think of what they are. Suddenly, one of the little humans comes up behind me and puts something on my head. I am trying to jump around and bite it. After a few times of trying, my master stopped me and said, "Gus, sit!". I obeyed him and sat. When I looked behind me, the four other humans are lined up and smiling with red and white hats on. I looked straight ahead, I saw my master set up this tiny black box. He walked over next to me and said, "Gus smile!". I heard the tiny black box make a beep sound, and then I saw a flash come out of nowhere. After that, my little humans start praising me and saying, "Good boy, Gus! Good boy!!". I thought to myself, "I must've done something good for them to say that!" I wag my tail and go get my favorite toy. After the humans sit at this big table and eat food, they go upstairs for the rest of the night and I fall asleep by the big green triangle.
The next part of this story will be two years later, and Gus is now four years old and he is a grown-up dog now. He is the biggest dog in the neighborhood and growing even more. We now transition back to Gus' thoughts. My humans put me in the big box with wheels again, I think they call it a "car". Anyways, I look in the back of the "car" and I see my bed and cage. I don't know where they are taking me, but I hope it is fun. After what felt like four dog years of being stuck in the car, it stopped. When I jump out of the it, all I see are trees and a house just like the one back home, except smaller. My master called, "Gus come". So, I followed him. He took me to a big water bowl. That I think humans call a "lake". The "lake" has a long wooden board that goes into the water. I start smelling around and looking at the water when I saw these weird creatures in the water just moving around. I start trying to bite the water to save them, but I can't seem to help them. Suddenly, I see my master pick up a stick and throw it into the water. He yells "Gus get it! Get the stick!!" I don't know what to do, so I bark at it. I am trying to get it to go back to my master, but it is not working. There is only one thing left for me to do, jump. I jump in the water and there is a big splash. I start moving my arms back and forth and my feet up and down, it is like I am floating, but much more work. I grab the stick with my mouth and start doggy paddling towards where the water ends. I struggle to get out of the big water bowl. Once I get out, my hair is all soaked in the water and I don't know how to get it off me. I start shaking my butt back and forth and it works. After I give my master the stick, he throws it a few more times for me. It is time to go up to the big box in the ground. When I run to the box, I go to the rectangle door and I want to go in to play with the little humans. The humans won't let me in. The littlest human leads me to a bigger box in the ground that humans call a "garage" and she gives me some food and then closes the door and leaves me. I eat my food, wait for my humans to come back to me, but I slowly fall asleep where I dream about that amazing stick. When I wake up, the humans put me back in the big box with wheels, and again, after what feels like four dog years, we are back to our big box in the ground where we all live.
After reading this story about a dogs most happy and curious moments in their life, it can make you understand what dogs think about, how they learn, and what they think about humans and their way of living. The story about the dog named Gus is written for entertainment, to make readers laugh, and to look into a dog's brain.

The author's comments:

I like volleyball and playing with my dog.

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