Her Past | Teen Ink

Her Past

March 15, 2019
By gabriellahidalgo BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
gabriellahidalgo BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rebekah peacefully slept in her bed, until sudden ringing woke her up. The ringing bounced off the walls into every corner of her room. She covered her ears to try and conceal the noise. She quickly sat up. She whipped her eyes across the room and peeked out her window. She did not see anything that was out of the ordinary. She laid back down and turned her back to the window. She tried to ignore the loud continuous ringing by telling herself she was just going crazy. She felt slightly better when she heard the shattering of glass behind her.

She laid frozen in fear. To her, turning around seems like the worst thing she could possibly do; within seconds she managed to grasp enough courage to turn around and face the window. The first thing she saw was red. It was everywhere: her walls, the window, even her bed. From outside her window, she saw people shooting at one another. It was a war. Something she knew very well. She closed her eyes and screamed so loud so she could barely hear the ringing.

Her screams were cut off when the ringing suddenly stopped. She opened her eyes to find everybody on the battlefield had turned to face her and so did their weapons. She shook her head very violently trying to tell the people to stop. She covered her face as every weapon seemed to fire directly aiming at her. Before they hit her a hand covered her mouth and her eyes flew wide open. She saw a tall woman sitting beside her holding her hand. A tall man stood behind her with a hand on the woman’s shoulder.

“It’s okay no one will hurt you here,” said Anglice in a soft voice.

She stood up trying to catch her breath as she looked around the room. She did a double take when she realized her window was still intact and her wall was no longer red instead, a light shade of blue. Her eyes darted around the room looking for any signs of the war that was just occurred in her room.

“You’re okay,” Anglice said holding her husband's hand “it's safe here.”

Suddenly a poster on her wall slightly fell and Rebekah jumped in fear. Anglice tightened the grip around her hand as her husband got up to fix the sign.

“Remember this is your home and we will always be here with you,” Anglice said and left the room sparing a last glare at her before walking back to her room.

Rebekah’s eyes scanned over the poster from the previous day. ‘Welcome Home Rebekah’ she read aloud.


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