Life Inside a Video Game: Minecraft Edition | Teen Ink

Life Inside a Video Game: Minecraft Edition

February 10, 2022
By TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton<br /> " Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard<br /> "Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

Day 1

So, I found a colonization of creepers or something. They have their own dimension! Everything is either explosive TNT and dynamite, or it's already blown up and a dead area. I found the border or split you could say from the regular world to the Creeper Dimension, I guess I'll call it. There is a group of oak trees that provide just enough shade for them not to sense me. I wanted to go up to them yesterday, but obviously if a player goes up to them, they explode. But I want to test a theory, because technically I'm not a player. I'm actually IN the game. Because I got glitched into the game, I found out I have an extra ability. If I trip or hit myself with anything in the game, a small hotbar pops up by my waist where I can access settings to the game. So, basically commands and cheats. I can get an inventory of blocks with just a couple presses of a button or the small keyboard. It's a little hard to type with blocky hands though. I have to press the keyboard buttons with the corner of my FREAKING BLOCKY hAND and try not to SCREW UP! If I do, bad things happen. I've experimented, and...... I accidentally caught a tree on fire by a mis-command. So... I CAN NOT mess up or I would POSSIBLY DIE. This isn't normal Minecraft. If I get hurt in the game, well I AM in the game, so it hurts ME. I can FEEL IT. And, I don't want to feel pain. SO, I need to find a way to fix this blocky hand issue. I need my fingers back. 

Day 21

Okay so, I made a cheat yesterday, pretty sure I just made it up and it wasn't a real thing. But, there was an achievement where there was this skin in Minecraft with a spider head. It always gave me Slenderman vibes... Anyways, if you wore that skin, the spiders wouldn't attack you, and you would be safe from harm. Basically, you befriended spiders. I made that skin...for creepers. I put in commands, took me forever because of STUPID BLOCKY HANDS, but anyways, I got to it typing cheat-skin-445683-creepEr-desiGn and it worked! Honestly, it took forever because I tried MANY different codes. So, my normal skin is just an anime girl with blond hair, right? Now, I have a whole creeper theme on, and I kinda like the vibes. It's cute! 


Day 29

So, I've tested out the creeper skin, and they don't attack me! I'm free!!! Well, free from the harm of creepers. I met a small creeper, pretty sure it's a glitch but erm... they speak. You know how creepers make dynamite sounds when it's being ignited? Well, apparently, I can understand those sounds. All put together, it sounds like parseltongue. Yes, I did read Harry Potter, but come on guys, who hasn't? I was 8! I’m not very ‘fond of it’ as they say. ANYWAYS, the creeper’s name was Zeni. I know, Odd name. But in Creeper Language or Tsk Sth Tsk, it sounds like Sht Itk Tsk Tsk. It’s hard to type out with my blocky hands. Zeni says that he hasn’t met a creeper that walks with two legs before… Oops… 

I just explained that I was a coding malfunction. But then he said that we all were! I mean, it’s true. Creepers were supposed to be pigs.. Now we're green and have a monster face -_-.I’m actually getting quite attached to these creepers though. They’re a nice civilization. Something I didn’t expect though, is that creepers eat. What they eat is kinda disturbing though, so I’m not going to share it in detail. So, Zeni says that no one is family or related to each other and that they just spawn and despawn out of nowhere if they are in a regular world with players. Apparently, they know that they are in a video game. No duh… Anyways, I think I’m going to stay in the creeper civilization if I can’t find any other players to say, “Help! I’m stuck in a video game!” or something.

Day 32

I found a player. Well, I know there is one in the game. Yesturday, there was a notification in my hotbar when I hit myself with a stick. I have bruises all over myself because I have to hurt myself so I can activate my hotbar.

 Anyways, the notification said ‘CalvinD0De_44832 Joined the game’. That is my best friend. So, I’m stuck in our Minecraft realm, and it is always open if you were added to the world. Calvin joined and hasn’t left for 18 minecraft days. So, six hours. Approximately, 1 Minecraft day is 20 minutes. 20 x 18 = 6 hoursI’ve been trying to get his attention, but so far, no luck. Then, I had an idea. If I died,  it would show in the chat as: ‘SugarPlum466 has been blown up by a creeper’ or something. But, would I still respawn? I decided later that it would be a last resort. So, besides that, I’ve noticed Calvin building on the horizon of a mountain cliff. I guess he’s trying to create a mega or even an ulta base in the realm. I mostly don’t know what he’s up to. But then, a genius idea hit me. Of course! So, earlier in the world, we decided that we would have cheats on, and with cheats, there is a teleporting option. I just need to get Clavin’s attention.

Day 37

So, I came up with a plan. And so far, it’s working out nicely. I’ve moved to another area, away from the creepers, and to the normal soil of the game. I collected gravel and sand from the nearby beach and lake. I made sure not to die in the process. I then collected the brightest color of a flower, dandelion. It’s bright yellow, and with the dye, gravel, and sand, I made concrete. I’m going to write, help me Calvin, in letters closer to the cliff so he’ll see the words. I could climb up the mountain to get to him, but it would increase my chance of dying to a bigger percentage. Yes, I’m talking like a math nerd. Deal with it. I’m almost done with the message, but then he went offline……. Oh my gosh….. 

I totally forgot that he still has school. But, he does play for hours each day… So, I might still have a chance to get out of this video game prison. After this, I’m never going to play Minecraft ever again. 

Day 109

Oh my gosh….FINALLY

Calvin just logged on, and apparently he saw my message, because now he is gliding towards me on his elytra. I then tripped on my face. Oh gosh, and then my hotbar popped up. But then, I discovered that… I could chat this WHOLE TIME! Oh my goodness…..WHY!

 *internally screaming*


“Aaaah!” Louise screamed as she realized she was in her bedroom, surrounded in her pink comforter, and bundled up like a burrito. She felt around herself, and felt her hands. They weren’t block hands. Nothing was cube shaped. She was free! Louise then snatched her phone from her bedroom side table and texted Calvin:

Louis: Hey, are you on Minecraft right now?

Calvin: Yeah, wanna play a round or 2?

Louis: Nah, I had a really weird Minecraft dream, I guess.

Calvin: You were just online a second ago tho?

And at that moment she knew…it wasn’t a dream. It was all real…

(dun dun dunnnnnnn)

The author's comments:

I love to play Minecraft and I've been playing since I was 6 years old, so...most of my life. I am a true gamer girl, but also a true nerd. So, you better believe I write about video games! Hehe ;) I know it does mention Harry Potter here like I'm not that fond of it, but IRL, I am obsessed. ;)

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 26 2022 at 1:23 pm
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton<br /> " Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard<br /> "Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

@ElaM I play Pokémon Go in my phone! Used to collect the cards too 😅 Thanks for reading 🙏 ☺️

ElaM ELITE said...
on Jul. 21 2022 at 8:54 pm
ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
320 articles 27 photos 120 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” ~Franz Kafka

I am a gamer girl too ! I just love playing Pokémon on my Nintendo switch ! Also I like this story 😁.