Indiana Jones Treasure | Teen Ink

Indiana Jones Treasure

May 2, 2024
By 4fidalgo BRONZE, Paso Robles, California
4fidalgo BRONZE, Paso Robles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mom, 

Today on our field trip to the museum, I saw the coolest treasure ever! It was called the Golden Octopus Frontlet by the Moche people from Peru around 300-600 AD. It seems that it was some sort of headdress. The details were incredible! It had eight long curled tentacles that surrounded the center of the piece, and in the middle was what seemed to be the face of a man, but with sharp fangs on the top and bottom of the mouth. I could definitely see why someone would want to wear this on their head. I bet whoever wore this had lots of power, and had lots of respect to be able to repetate like this.

It almost reminds me of the first Indiana Jones movie. The part of the movie where he goes into an old temple in search of a golden treasure. I thought it was a little funny how some students in my group were almost scared of it, or even avoided it because they thought it was either not interesting, or kinda scary. But not me, I could have stood at the glass to keep observing all the details on it for hours. 

When I picture myself going back to 300-600 AD, I think that If I wore that headress, I would be a mighty empress over a great kingdom, and the headdress would be my crown of intimidation and a symbol of power. I’d hope to wear the nicest eye makeup in the land, and I would have lots of gold and riches. I would want the best because it would make it a bigger deal and make a name for myself to the people of the kingdom. Having the most wealth would be a great sign of power.

I remember how much you loved the Indiana Jones series, and I wanted to share this moment with you since I thought you'd like it because it reminded me of you and your joy for the movie. I can't remember when we get to leave yet, but when we get back to the university I am gonna draw you a picture of it! I’d also like to show it to my art director as well. Since it has so many unique shapes and movements in it, I think that she’d really love to see my illustration of it. 

Sometime I would love to take a trip here with you, so that we can see all the cool artifacts here together. Love you always! See you soon. 

Sincerely yours, 

   Ashlynn F.

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Its a letter

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