Mission for Money | Teen Ink

Mission for Money

May 16, 2024
By Anonymous

“Agent Hawk, do you copy?”

“Copy. Ready to go, Agent Sparrow.”

“Roger that. We got one hour to complete this mission. Our task: loot the money from the bank.”

“Got it. What’s the plan?”

Sparrow pauses for a moment to think. “We knock out the security guards guarding the back door, use our blueprint to find our way to the vault, type in the code, and enter the vault. After that, we have all the money to ourselves.”

“Sounds good. Let’s go.”

The two crawl on the ground, making their way to the back door. They hide behind a nearby car and scan the area. They see two security guards having a conversation. 

“There’s the guards,” Agent Hawk says.

Agent Sparrow looks in the direction Hawk is pointing. “I see them. How do we knock them out?”

“By hand. We use our strength and hit them in the head.”

Sparrow nods his head, and the two sneak up to the guards. Just before they notice the agents, they take a swift blow to the head and fall to the ground.

“Alright, let’s head inside,” Hawk whispers.

They enter the bank, and tread quietly through the hallway. Hawk turns towards his partner. “You got the blueprint?”

Sparrow pulls out the paper from his pocket and shows it to Hawk. They both plan the most efficient route to the vault. Once they decide on the path, they sneak through the hallways like ninjas. As they go on, they slowly speed up their pace until their footsteps become clearly audible.

“Freeze!” a voice says from behind them. The two agents swiftly turn around and see the group of guards. 

“Quick! We need to take them out!” Agent Sparrow exclaims.

 They swiftly pull out their firearms, and start shooting at the swarm of security. As the guards fire, the agents dodge their bullets and retaliate with their own gunfire. One by one, the guards drop-dead, until there’s no guards left.

Hawk wipes the sweat off his forehead. “Phew, we got ‘em all. Let’s get back to our task, shall we?”

Sparrow nods as they continue their search for the bank’s vault. They make sure to keep their footsteps as quiet as possible. Soon enough, they reach the vault.

“Alright, here it is. You remember the code?” Agent Hawk asks.

“Yep.” Agent Sparrow responds.

“Alright, you can type it in.”

As Sparrow enters the code on the keypad, Hawk gets overcome with excitement. “Oh boy, I can’t believe it… we’re gonna have all the money in the—” he says before being cut off.

“Boys, time for dinner!”

The kids are taken out of their daydream as their mother calls out to them. 

“Aw man, we were so close to opening the bank vault!” one of the boys cries out.

“Really? Well, tell me all about it, Noah!”

“I was Agent Hawk, and big brother was Agent Sparrow! We broke into the bank and then fought the security guards. After that, we were gonna get a lot of money!”

“Is that so? Well, I’m sure you both had a lot of fun.”

“Yeah, we really did!” Noah exclaims.

“How about you two agents eat dinner so you’re prepared for your next mission?”

“Okay!” the two brothers cheerily reply as they head inside the house.

The author's comments:

Agents Hawk and Sparrow infiltrate a bank. Will they be successful in their heist, or will they face challenges?

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