An Unexpected Companion | Teen Ink

An Unexpected Companion

June 7, 2024
By greatotter64 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
greatotter64 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Glurnk! “It was the first time I killed.”. I felt the warm blood surrounding my hand as I saw the life leave his eyes. As I pulled out my knife he dropped to the floor time was fleeting I needed to get out of here.

 I had been trained for years on how to kill a man it was almost second nature for me, but the first time you take a life is something you never forget. I had no time to think about that. I was deep behind enemy lines and had vital information that could change the entire war.

 I am running as fast as I can I can feel my heart racing I feel wind through my hair but as I turn the corner I see them. Two enemy soldiers just standing there in the hall. Luckily they did not see me as I ducked behind the corner. I needed to find a way around them. 

There was a room on the other side of the hall and it was my only chance to escape. I quickly ducked across the hall making sure not to be seen. I opened the door to a pitch-black room, Thank god. I thought to myself.

 As I slowly closed the door I heard something ruffling with papers behind me I was just praying that it didn't see me. I moved slowly trying to see what it was all I could make out was a small silhouette. It made its way slowly what could have only been a few seconds felt like hours. 

It approached me and stopped for a second like it was examining me I still couldn't make out what it was and that's when it happened. It rubbed against my leg's delicate fluffy hairs, a warmth I had not felt in a long time, and a rough wetness dotting around my leg

 That's when I heard it “Meow”. It was a cat. 

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