Lauren's Bees | Teen Ink

Lauren's Bees

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lauren. Lauren was tall with brown hair and green eyes. She did well in school and got along well with her classmates, at least most of them. While she sounds like a pretty average girl, there was one thing that set her apart from the others. Lauren was constantly followed by a swarm of bees. Everytime she looked behind her, her vision was clouded with a flurry of yellow and black creatures. All day long she saw their shadows following closely behind her, she heard them buzzing in her ears, and she felt them gently brushing against her. She thought it was annoying, but she wasn’t afraid of them. They were bumblebees, so she knew that although they looked intimidating, they couldn’t harm her. Some of the students made fun of Lauren for constantly being followed by bees. Although this didn't bother her at first, after some time she began to get frustrated. Then one day, Lauren had an idea. She decided that if she had to live with a swarm of bees following her, she should at least make them useful. So, the next morning, Lauren got to work. Everytime the bees would sting someone, Lauren would yell “fawn,” and reward the bees with honey. Eventually, after many trials of this process, the bees started to sting the nearest person after Lauren yelled “fawn!” This became quite useful to Lauren. Whenever she saw someone she didn’t like, or whenever someone would make fun of her for the bees, she would simply have them attacked. With the simple chant of a word, the bees would charge towards any given person. This swarm of bees, which Lauren had previously seen as a burden, was now a blessing in disguise. 

The author's comments:

I am a student at Arrowhead High School. This is a revised quick write from my composition class.

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