Selling Matches During the Revolutionary War | Teen Ink

Selling Matches During the Revolutionary War

October 12, 2009
By Tyce Fisher BRONZE, Wolfforth, Texas
Tyce Fisher BRONZE, Wolfforth, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking the streets my feet hurt because my shoes had holes and were to small. I was looking for anything that would keep my warm. My family and i live in a dumpster on 5th street. To get money i sell matches because its the war and eveyone needs them.My dad cant work because he lost his leg in the war. Now i have to be the man of the house basically.So now i have to get scraps and anything i can find for my family. I live with my parents and i have two brothers but one of them was shot in the war and died. My other brother is 3. Im to young to inlist so i help my family this way.My best friend was just taken to the battle front. As i was walking i saw a whole dollar. My name is John but they call me "scavenger" because im a scavenger. Now i have to go home and try to feed my family.


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