Best Day of My Life | Teen Ink

Best Day of My Life

November 25, 2009
By Hockey26 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hockey26 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Best day of my life. October 15, 2008. It was a cool rainy afternoon. Nick and I were walking home from school like we always did. Being only a few weeks into high school, we were still getting used to the new scenery. We scrutinized every teacher on the way home. Mrs. Lippy just assigned an English paper advocating the existence of extraterrestrial beings. Personally I did not like the assignment at all, but for some odd reason Nick loved the assignment. He thought it was astute. Half way home it starts to sprinkle and we speed up our walk. Minutes later, we are in a full sprint rushing into my kitchen.
Nick flies in behind me trying to shut the door behind him. All in one motion he misses the handle to the door slips on his wet shoes and slides into the counter. Not having any time to react an open bag of flower spills from on top the counter nick hit. Spilling all over him. Suddenly getting stomach pains from laughing at the incident, I felt nefarious. Realize my mother was about to bake us cookies. I rushed over to Mrs. Johnson’s house to solicit for extra flower.
My mother was not too amicable to see us home. Cleaning up the mess was a story in itself. Nick loath to even help sat at the kitchen table watching me. I didn’t blame him after his embarrassing accident. While I finished up cleaning my mom had guided Nick to the bathroom to shower. Still looking ineffectual, my mother and I teased Nick about the incident. Nick never got mad at anything, never showed the slightest signs of getting mad, simply stood up walked slowly outside. A few minutes later he came back inside. Quickly my mother and I apologized. He walked right toward me and said, “Close your eyes. I have a surprise.”
Covered in flower I open my eyes to Nick and my mother laughing hysterically. This taught me a lot about nick. He showed me that it was easier to laugh than to have fun. He showed me that there is no reason to be vexatious. Nick was my best friend.

The author's comments:
Homework project for school.


This article has 1 comment.

krazyk GOLD said...
on Apr. 16 2010 at 4:48 pm
krazyk GOLD, Modesto, California
11 articles 5 photos 26 comments

Aw I really like this! =] I love the story. My only suggestion would be to put it into different paragraphs and space it apart, but other than that it's amazing!

I noticed it was for homework and i bet you got an A. this is great! I can't wait to read more =]