SPYTERT | Teen Ink


May 26, 2011
By dragon224 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
dragon224 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“With great power comes great responsibility.” These words have been burned into my mind ever since I took the role of this city’s hero. I used to be a normal 18 year old guy in the city of Seattle. Sure, I wanted to be a hero, but not like this. My entire life changed by one small accident. While looking for a college in Seattle, I was looking at a new classroom research lab when some of the students came running out of the robotics lab. They had made a machine built to enhance the strength and speed of a normal human by fusing the brain and spinal cord. But this science fair project went haywire when they tried to put it into a display case to show the teacher. Next thing I knew I was on the floor, the machine was gone. So I walked home… suddenly a noise broke my concentration. As I turned my head to see where the noise was coming from an apartment building went up in fire. I didn’t just see the building, but I could smell all the different smells burning. The ashes where floating down on me. Then I heard a child whimper. But how? And where? Suddenly I sprang into action, knowing by the time the fire crew got there it would be to late. I shot out a metal web and sprang into action.( Sure you may think I’m Spider man but more on that later). As I arrived, I saw the boy in the burning building. I used my metal tail and plugged it into the nearest fire hydrant and used my tentacle/leg things and squirted water onto the burning building. Within seconds the fire was out and then I was out. Yes this is the typical day in my life for I am the SPYTER.

The author's comments:
Spyter is the creation I made for a hero. he is me in some ways and in others who I want to be. He got his powers from a bionic enhancement to multitask and as you can see the experiment went wrong, but on the good side we got our new hero spyter how kinda looks like Spider man ( which is his idea for his costume). And I will even be making more stories and even a comic of Spyter.


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