The Secret of Atlyntius | Teen Ink

The Secret of Atlyntius

December 4, 2012
By Anonymous

There was absolute silence in the throne room as the two men eyed each other. One impeccably dressed, seated on a throne and surrounded by a little girl and multiple bodyguards, the other showing clear signs of having slept in the wild and followed by a slim young man and a muscular young woman in similar states. Neither side was moving so much as a hair as they observed each other. Several moments of this stand off ticked by before the little girl sighed and gently nudged the exquisitely dressed man.

“Very well Tempest.” He said, swatting her hand away without malice. He stood and walked slowly down the steps until he was only a hands-breath away from the rag-tag trio. He tilted his head gently to the side as if trying for one last time to understand these odd creatures in his castle, and then he spoke. “My name, as you all well know, is Prince Merek Brand. I would like to know your names as well.”

The young man in the middle of the trio scowled and opened his mouth, but the other teenager placed a hand quickly on his arm in warning, and the girl stepped forward instead. “I am Di, this is Cayden” She motioned to the angry male who had shaken the restraining hand off his shoulder “and this is Zamir” she motioned to the other male, who grinned and gave a jaunty little wave.

“I am pleased to meet you all. Is there a particular reason you are here?” Merek glanced out of one of the many windows decorating the room. “I hold open court in about two hours, is this that urgent, or could you possibly wait that long?” He asked politely.

“I think not.” Cayden said voice full of vitriol. He ignored the desperate attempts of both Zamir and Di to subtly quiet him. “We are here to put an end to the tyranny that has for too long plagued my people.” Merek’s expression became suddenly darker.

“Then I presume you wish to see my father? I’m afraid that I will have to ask you to accompany the guards.” Merek flicked his wrist and guards from all sides swarmed the trio.

“You coward! Fight like a man instead of hiding behind these toy soldiers!” Cayden spat, drawing his sword in a lightning fast movement.

“No, no you misunderstand sir. Kingdom policies dictate that any threat of the government must first be discussed with the ruler, and that those doing the threat-making must be moved to the waiting cells until discussion ceases. Please do not make this more difficult than the situation necessitates. The Prince’s brow furrowed as he watched Zamir draw his bow and Di settle into an offensive stance with a short sword in her hand. “This is hardly sensible! The visit to the cells will be at most an hour, and I’ve been in the cells myself, they are very comfortable I assure you. Merek was ignored, and very put out by this fact. He was starting to understand his father’s rants about the intelligence of peasants.
Tempest managed to provide a fairly simple solution to the problem, as she often did. She simply walked into the fighting, counting on the fact that the trio of hopeful heroes would not dare to fight while a child was among them. Just as she thought, after only a second of freezing and hesitation the trio unanimously lowered their weapons. Tempest quirked an eyebrow at the nearest guard who hastened to convey her message to the defeated trio.

“We will be requiring your weapons. Enemies of the states are not allowed harmful objects.” With much obvious anger a bow and two swords were gently placed on the floor.

“You won’t get away with this; we will overcome your tyranny!” Cayden spat at Merek’s feet, struggling violently against the guard.

“There is nothing to get away with!” Merek exclaimed, frustrated with this peasant’s inability to understand. At least his companions were wiser, understanding of the order of things; they remained silent and made no attempt to shake off the protecting hands of the guards from their shoulders. Merek shook his head, if this boy did not understand the order of life, there was simply no helping him. In any case, it was far past time to discuss this with his father, and on top of that there was now approximately fifteen less minutes before the royal hearings began. However Merek made good time to his father’s quarters, and after nodding politely to each of the guards protecting the room, he rapped sharply on the center of the door.

“Enter.” A voice from within the quarters rasped. Merek did so, pushing the door shut gently behind him.

“Father, as always it is a pleasure to see you.” Merek started as was proper, bending at the waist deeply. His father simply grunted under his breath and made a motion signifying his impatience. “There has been a resistance force detained just now, and as you have previously expressed desire for me to do, I have come to request your knowledge in these matters.”

“Ah yes, I have received word that those in the country Ebene have been planning rebellion for many years now. Mark my words boy, if they are not dealt with immediately and made an example of, more will follow their lead.” The old man croaked out, wagging one finger as close to Merek’s nose as he could reach.

“Of course father, but what would you have me do with them?” Merek asked, in the manner of one who had heard such a speech multiple times already.
“You must tell me who you think is the leader of this rebellion.” His father coughed out, eyes blazing deviously.

“That would be a boy named Cayden. Though rash and not very smart, he appears to be the one the two more level-headed rebels look to for leadership.” Merek explained slowly, not quite sure he wanted to know where this was going.
“Then you must make an example out of him, publically and harshly. When you cut off the head of a rebellion, it will most certainly die.” Merek’s father’s face had lit up in excitement for once. “A public duel will show our power to the people, and enforce in their tiny brains once and for all that our presence is needed to quell this rabble.”

“I…” Merek hesitated feeling, for quite the first time, conflicted.

“Remember Merek, this is for the good of the people. Go tell the town criers to spread the news: a rebel leader is being dueled midday tomorrow.” His father paused, and his tone became suddenly gentler. “Were there any other way to stop this rebellion, you know we would follow that path. The intelligence level of these peasants simply does not allow blood-free disputes though. It is as I have told you many times Merek; there is simply no reasoning with them!” Merek knew he deserved this scolding, but he much preferred the subtler battles of words in court to the violent clashes of war on the dueling field.

“Of course father, I will do as you say immediately. I am forever at your service.” Having fulfilled his duties, and with a heavy heart and confused head, Merek exited his father’s room, this time allowing the door to slam behind him.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write a story about a competent villain, and it sort of got away from me. This is a much shorter version of it, which if i did write the whole thing would be almost the end of the story.

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