The Assassin's Father | Teen Ink

The Assassin's Father

December 9, 2012
By eisefley BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
eisefley BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, others achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.

The sidewalk was overflowing with exasperated people wiping droplets of sweat off their brows as the relentless sun pounded down on the polluted city of Asidode. Talia glared up at the shining skyscrapers towering over her as the glare bounced mercilessly into her eyes. She wished that the hordes of people could just move, but she was stuck in another traffic jam of people. Skillfully maneuvering her arm to check the time on her watch, Talia concluded that no, she was not going to get to work on time, yes, her boss would be infuriated, and yes, she would have to leave work early for the third time this week to make curfew. Sighing, she thought of the outrageously high rent she was going to have to pay by the end of the week and made a quick decision. Talia slipped her thin hand into her purse until she found her hidden safe. Pressing her finger down on the screen until the safe opened, she rummaged around until her hand came in contact with cold metal. She smiled as her fingers grasped the thin barrel of a pistol. Guess I'm going to have to go do some dirty work tonight to scrape together the money I owe… And here I thought that I was going to grow up to be a sweet, law adhering young woman, she thought as she laughed dryly to herself.

Talia Redwood was sixteen years old and she hated emotions. She hadn't grown up in a stable family and had never known a true friend. Her parents had abandoned her so they would never be reminded of each other. They buried themselves into their work by taking frequent business trips and buying homes in different cities hundreds of miles away. Once, when she was eleven, they had accidentally run into each other. She only remembered the screaming and the sounds of bodies hitting the wall as she cowered in her bed. Her parents had left their bedroom with large bruises and that was the last time Talia saw them or wished to see them. She hadn't contacted her parents in two years. Her friends only knew that she lived alone in a decent apartment and that her parents were frequently traveling and never remembered to send money. They were content with knowing the mature, pretty Talia Redwood who was more intelligent than people five years her senior and could give advice on everything from important things like life to petty desires like the best flavor of ice cream. She lived a life surrounded by people and yet she was hopelessly and miserably alone.

The air was muggy as the sun tumbled down the sky, exhausted after a long day of shining on the grouchy people. Talia stepped into her apartment and sighed. Depending on her assignment, she would need a syringe or a pistol. Some people went for the flashy bomb, but she was not part of that division and she doubted she'd even want to be. Her favorite weapon was the syringe: the subtle and quiet method that was thunderously loud. She fervently hoped she was allowed to use the syringe. She had fashioned an entire box full of ways to utilize the syringe: an assortment of needle tips to insert into the skin, mixtures of varying lethality, and a few cotton balls that were easily disposed of. One could never get caught using a syringe, and just in case, she had a tissue covered in anonymous fingerprints to trick the police. She smiled warmly down at her little tool and snuck out.

"You know what to do," Donald Nane drawled. "Preferred time frame is when he enters the hotel. I'll give you around, hmmm," Donald looked down at his large, thick fingers and peeled a flake of dried blood off. "I'll get it done in ten minutes, tops." Talia said. Donald clucked his tongue and shook his head. "Ten minutes is an awfully long amount of time, darling, and I can't wait that long." Donald looked up at Talia, his dark eyes glaring into hers. She willed herself not to show any hint of fear when Donald grinned. There are many things much more frightening than Donald, she thought. I just have to do what I usually do and I won't get tortured. Donald Nane was an ex-convict, known for his twisted sadistic nature that only blossomed after he escaped from jail. Talia remembered when she first met him, the horror that she had seen. "Darling, don't be afraid," he had said. "This is just the consequence of a disobeyed order."

Talia shuddered and nodded. "I'll get it done in five minutes." Donald nodded and turned his back to Talia, letting her know that she was dismissed. She walked out of the office and pressed her back against the wall outside, telling herself to breathe and calm down. She could do this. She could kill her father.

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