Survivor of the Seas | Teen Ink

Survivor of the Seas

December 14, 2012
By Rach_1D15 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Rach_1D15 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Narrator: Jason and William are headed to their beach house in Hawaii. They take their billion dollar yacht. They go every year but this year they may die.
(on the yacht)
Jason: How did you do at the gun show? Did you kill someone?
William: Ha-ha, no… I almost did though.
Jason: Oh my god, you are so dumb! Why would you go in a gun show if you never even shot that type of gun?
William: For the money, DUH!
Jason: Oh my god, you are so stupid!
William: Whatever, I’m going to bed!
Jason: Alright see ya, bro!
*William walks off and Jason grabs a beer and sits down.*
Narrator: Right as Jason sits down he hears a weird sound. It’s so weird no one would be able to explain it.
Jason: What the-
Narrator: Jason’s curiosity got the best of him and he drove to yacht towards where he heard the noise.
5 Minutes later

Jason: Huh? I never knew there was an island here.
Narrator: Jason goes to investigate. He grabs a flashlight, and a gun. He goes off the yacht and onto the island. When he doesn’t see anything interesting he walks back to the yacht to find it… STOLEN! He freaks out and try’s to call William but then his brand new IPhone 4S falls in the water.
Jason: Awe, man come on! I just got that yesterday! It just came out for crying out loud!
Brittney: Excuse me, sir!
Jason: (screams and turns around) Oh, sorry you scared me!
Brittney: It`s ok. But this is private property.
Jason: Oh, well I didn’t see a sign and my yacht is missing. I parked here and I come back and it’s gone.
Brittney: Oh, well come inside you look starving!
Jason: Oh, thank you!
*start walking toward the castle*
Brittney: Do you not have a phone you can call someone with?
Jason: Yeah, but it fell in the water.
Brittney: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that because we don’t have a phone either. No one here knows anyone they need to call.
Jason: Oh.
*walks in the castle*
Brittney: JOHNNY!
Johnny: Yes, mam.
Brittney: Is dinner ready?
Johnny: Yes mam and the chiefs accidently made extra so they put it in the refrigerator.
Johnny: Well, they-
Brittney: Get it out of there now! We have a guest.
Johnny: Yes, man.
*Johnny runs to get out the extra food*
Brittney: follow me.
*Brittney takes Jason to the Kitchen*
Brittney: Tomorrow we go hunting, would you like to come?
Jason: Sure…
Brittney: Yay! I will wake you up at 6:30 a.m. sharp. U need to be ready by 7:00 a.m.
Jason: It will only take me 20 mins. I just have to eat and get dressed.
Brittney: You need to practice! It’s like not stretching before you run!
Jason: Ok, I will get up at 6:30 a.m.
Brittney: Very well! I’m going to bed! You should too!!
Jason: ok.
*Both get up from the table and get ready for bed*
The Next Day
Brittney: (Blows horn in Jason’s ear)
Jason: (Screams) Ah, what was that for?
Brittney: Time to hunt 6:30 sharp.
Jason: OK, OK! I’m getting up!
Brittney: See you on the field and we play a special game, we hunt people.
Jason: WHAT?!?!?!?!??!?! People???
Brittney: Yes, people. And you’re the target this week. Have fun! ?
Jason: WHAT?!?!?!?! Then, in that case, I’m not hunting.
Brittney: What, you too chicken?
Jason: Fine, I’m in!
Narrator: Jason couldn’t sit there and be called a chicken. He had to go through with it and show his confidence.
30 Minutes later
Narrator: Jason found the spot where he is supposed to start and he hears the gun shot and goes. He’s terrified and ready to die. He found a bullet-proof suit. He then finds a bush and goes through it and plans to stay there the whole game. It’s him vs. 10 people and he plans to win. The objective of the game for him is to kill everyone except him. Jason goes into the bush and finds someone on the other side. They are picking up something. He can’t see what it is but easy enough. Jason aims and *boom* he’s the guy dead. 1 down 9 more to go.
1 Hour Later
Narrator: Jason goes through with a lot of luck the whole time in the bush. He has got everyone except Brittney. Matter of fact he hasn’t even seen Brittney: Suddenly he gets a horrible thought and starts to turn around and there she is pointing a gun at him.
Brittney: So, you finally find me here?
Jason: Please, don`t!
Brittney: Why shouldn’t I! You are my only food now!!
Jason: Maybe, you can become my food.
Brittney: what?? NO! YOUR MY FOOD!
Jason: No, I`m no one’s food.
*Points gun at Brittney and *Boom* he has won the game!!*
Narrator: Jason waits and a week later. William comes by in the yacht and he is saved and he goes home.

The author's comments:
I did it for a English assigntment

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