Life through in my Eyes | Teen Ink

Life through in my Eyes

January 13, 2013
By Anonymous

It was a cold day in January while I was walking around my hometown of Canfield Ohio, after my first semester of college. It was a fun semester, but I was happy to be home. As I walked around my hometown, I remembered all the fun times I had here. I started to cross the curb, but slipped on a patch of ice, and just then I see a car flying down the road.

I wake up from a half an hour nap in the car. We have been traveling for hours on hours, but this place is always worth it. The road is sleeping under a blanket of snow and the field looks like a blank piece of paper. As I step out of the car, Libby and Johnny run out to greet us with wagging tails and cheerful barks.

"Your up already.?!" My papa said in sarcastic disbelief.

"Had to wake up to get here, it's a long drive." I replied.

I hugged his dirty overalls and grabbed my blue travel bag. I slipped and tripped multiple times while making my way up the ice covered steps. Suddenly I lost my footing, and started to fall headfirst into the steps.

I opened my eyes and heard a buzzer going off. It was the championship game for the grade-school tournament. The fourth quarter was about to start. My team and I headed out to the court for the final eight minutes. The Sibley High basketball team started with the ball and they passed it to their point guard, and he proceeded up court. I started to guard him as he made his way to the three-point line.

"Three!" our coach yelled our code for man-to-man.

I matched up on my guy and followed him around as he tried to set up a play. The right guard tried to set a pick, so I switched players and started to follow the guard. The point guard passed it to a forward but he missed the shot, and we rebounded. After that we went on the attack and started to advance up the court. I caught a pass and started to weave my way through the opposing line and went up for a layup. The forward went up and we collided in midair, and I rocketed into the ground.

"Wake up! It's Christmas already!" My sister says

I sit up in my bed and stumble through the hall. My sister is situated on the top of the steps and eagerly waiting for the picture so we can go downstairs to open presents.

"Smile." My mom says.

After the picture we head down to open our presents. The tree glistened with it's many ornaments, and the tinsel glowed in the light. Under the tree many different wrappings covered each gift.

"Before we start, look outside." My dad suggested.

Outside the window a brand new car was parked out on the curb. I was speechless, and elated.

"We figured you would need it when you went to college." My mom said.

I looked up and saw a car swerve in the other direction; missing me by a mere foot. It recovered just before it hit the sidewalk and continued down the road. I was utterly astounded and confused at what had just happened, it was like a dream, but so much more vivid and fast. I started to walk home as I thought about the new memory I had just made, I probably won't share with my parents though.

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