the run in | Teen Ink

the run in

January 16, 2013
By nick bourassa BRONZE, Everson, Washington
nick bourassa BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Run in
By: nick b
The story you’re about to read is a epic story of bravery. Its starts in a small town 40 miles north of el paso texas.
I sit down at the bar and order a whiskey straight up. After about ten minuetes at the bar I hear the saloon doors open and hear a pair of spurs walk up behind me
“Anything I can help you with there partner?”.

“well mister walker on the contrary its what I can help you with.”.
I turned and look at the man he was a short stalky man with a thick handlebar mustache. I motion for hikm to sit in the seat next to me and say “ and what would that be?”.
He sits down beside me and says “ I have a cattle farm about 4 miles away from here with about 500 head of cattle on it. I need you to move them out to there new pastures.”.
“How is that supposed to help me mister ?” I replied
“Ill pay you a large sum of money is you do this for me.” He replies sharply
“ how much money we talken?”.
“about 500 dollars.” He tells me
“500 dollars! why so much for moving some cattle?” I ask in ahhh.
“well…….” He hesitastes
“ ok whats the catch?” I ask.
He looks at me and says “well there have been some theives and bandits about were the cows go to graze I need you to get them outta there.”
I had done some work like this before so it wasn’t a surprise to hear that so I just reply “how many of them are there?”
“About 8.” He replys
“Ill be at your ranch tommarow have the cows ready.” I say before getting up and leaving. He says “ok” and leaves.
The next morning I grab my horse and head for the ranch I get there and there isnt much talking between frank and I. he said good luck and I was on my way with the cattle and a couple of the ranch hands to help regulate the herd.
When we get close to the new pastures I had the ranch hands stay with thye cattle while I went to a ridge to scope out the situation. There was about 6 men around a fire. I know that theese are the men that the man had talked about I took out my winchester rifle and took aim one of the men I squeezed the trigger and boom the fist man dropped and the fight was on I pumped rounds down range hiting 4 more men leaveing the last cowereing. I went down to the campsite and found the last man I had shot him in the arm but let him leave on his horse and the conflict was done at least for now.

The author's comments:
i have always been a fan of gun slingers in the old west and thats what i tryed to capture with this story

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