The Bribe | Teen Ink

The Bribe

January 16, 2013
By Dylan Lidge BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Dylan Lidge BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He shot up from his bed in a cold sweat, hands tightly clenching his blankets. His eyes burst wide open. Breathing heavy, his chest felt like a balloon pumping up and about to explode. His heartbeat seemed to echo throughout the entire apartment. His eyes began to blur as sweat poured from his face.

He found staring at the ceiling the best method to fall asleep, which didn’t work often. Endless thoughts kept his mind racing throughout the night, along with the relentless squeaking and screeching of the ancient, run-down building. Nothing seemed to help him get to sleep. Before, he had no trouble sleeping. He used to just have to lay his head on his pillow and he’d be knocked out. Now he couldn’t get his mind off it.

In no time, his alarm sounded the dreadful wakeup call. With his blankets pulled over his head, he blindly punched the alarm off. Slowly, he climbed out of bed, unraveling himself from the wrinkled bed sheets he tossed and turned in throughout the night. Stepping out of his room he found Keith in the kitchen, which smelled of toast and pancakes. Eating at the old wooden table sat Keith forking down his breakfast. The warm sun peeked through the small window and faded yellow curtains, lighting up the small kitchen.

“Hey little man how’d you sleep?”
“Morning Wayne,” welcomed Keith, beaming¬ from ear to ear. His bright attitude and grin made Wayne’s day. Wayne always felt refreshed around Keith. The ten year old shared his exuberance through his smile and icy blue eyes. Wayne envied the innocence his little brother had. Keith loved to laugh and play and he hadn’t a care in the world. He egged on and challenged his brothers to play basketball all the time. Wayne wished he could relive those days.

“Hey, if you keep workin’,” encouraged Wayne, “and stay the honest kid you are, the sky’s the limit.”

Wayne always talked positive with Keith. He stressed the importance of doing the right things and staying humble. Keith definitely had something special about himself, and Wayne wanted to make sure he kept his nose clean. And by Keith’s manners and sincerity, Wayne knew his talks rubbed off on Keith.
Wayne jumped as his head shot straight toward the crooked wooden door. It sounded as if a rifle had gone off outside in the hall. The angry knock burned his ears and caused his body to tremble. The door had shaken violently from the blow. His muscles tightened as Wayne and Keith stared frozen at the door. There was no doubt that he knocked at the door.
Wayne glanced at Keith and saw his wide, terrified eyes.
“Keith, get ready for school, I’ll get it,” Wayne said in the calmest voice he could manage. He couldn’t help it, but the trembling in his voice was clear. Keith slowly got up from his chair and walked hesitantly toward his room, keeping his eyes on the door.
Wayne knew in the back of his mind that this day would come. He hadn’t slept for weeks. He had to get this over with.
Deliberately, Wayne walked to the door. Every second seemed like hours. Each step seemed wobbly, and his weight shifted unevenly. Sweat started to pour down his forehead. Wayne slowly peered through the eye-hole, only to wish he didn’t. There, standing erect in the doorway, a massive figure. All Wayne could see were his lifeless, blood shot eyes peering right back at him.
Wayne took a deep breath and somehow managed a cool voice, “Can I help you?”
“Quit lying to yourself you know who it is,” instantly replied the man. His voice seemed to creep under Wayne’s skin, like a snake slithering around inside his body. Wayne tightly gripped the faded doorknob.
“You open this door or I’m opening it,” ordered the dark voice.
Wayne couldn’t manage a reply. Shock had overcome his entire body. Unable to move, he felt paralyzed. He wanted to say something but it couldn’t escape him.
Finally, Wayne managed a quiet mutter, “Please don’t do this. Please man it doesn’t have to be this way. We can work-,” the man interrupted.
“Look. You agreed. It’s not that hard. All you have to do is take the box. All the box has in it is money. It’s really not that hard,” the man said sternly.
“I don’t want to be involved in this. That’s dirty money. Why do you have to go after me? I’ve never done anything bad-,” again he cut Wayne off.
“You know, I’m getting tired of this. Listen, all you have to do is take the money. We just need to make sure that we don’t have a rat. That’s all I’m saying.”
“I barely even saw the murder. Come on man, please just leave me alone. I won’t tell-”
“Alright, I’ll give you 10 seconds to open this door. I’ll hand you this box, and you can take it. Then, it will all end from there. Stop denying yourself you even said you wanted the money. You’re lucky ‘cause I’m feeling unusually generous today.”
“I know I had said I wanted it, but I’ve realized that I’m not kind of person. I don’t want to be that kind of person.”
Wayne couldn’t breathe. He felt panicked and couldn’t move. Why did he have to witness that murder? None of this would be happening. He couldn’t take the money.
Wayne stood frozen in thought. He had a worry free life right in front of him. All he had to do was take it. Then, he thought about Keith. How he wanted him to grow up and live out his dreams. With this money, he would be that much closer to living them out. But, at the same times, he would let free a lunatic who could harm others lives. He would let loose a criminal free to roam the streets.
“I’m tired of this I’m coming in!” shouted the man.
Wayne sprinted back and leaped to the ground, covering his head. Dust engulfed the room as the man kicked down the door. He peered over his shoulder to see the dark man standing over him.
“You know what? I’m keeping this money. Just finish you off and it will all be over with.”
The man started pulling out something from his shoe. This had to be it. This would be the end. How easily Wayne’s life turned around. There was no where to run or hide from these guys. Wayne was pretty much over.
Wayne peered up from the floor. The man had fallen to the floor. Wayne peered over to see Keith, standing with a pistol.

The author's comments:
I hope people contemplate their own moral values and ask themselves if they would do the right thing.

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