The International Tour | Teen Ink

The International Tour

March 6, 2013
By therealslimshady17 BRONZE, Pemberville, Ohio
therealslimshady17 BRONZE, Pemberville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started on a cool rainy day in the town of Spatula. A little boy, named Aaron, adventures in the woods while he stays dry under the canopy of the big green trees. He is running, hiding behind trees, and eliminating enemy aliens. The aliens are crying, “ CURSE YOU AARON!!” In the midst of his domination, his mother calls him for lunch. Aaron is saddened that he has to stop his reign of terror. As he makes his way through his living room, he sees a world map. It is his father’s. He is going on a trip to Germany and many other European countries for work. He is fascinated with these countries and some of the names like Slovakia, Ireland, and Italy. Aaron soon forgot about his adventure out in the woods as he ate his mom’s delicious stuffed hamburgers.
Weeks later, when his dad returns from his trip, he shows Aaron his Polaroid photos of the distant countries. Aaron is amazed by the lands overseas. He thought to himself, “I hope I can go to these lands someday.” Aaron takes a picture of his dad standing in front of the Eiffel Tower and hangs it in his room so he doesn’t forget about his dreams.
Twenty years later on Aaron’s twenty-fifth birthday, his best friend, Blake, got him an all- round trip to Europe! When Aaron saw the brochure he went over to his drawer and pulled out that same picture of his dad. After he went through the brochure he called his mom and told her about the trip Blake and Aaron would be going on. She was very happy for Aaron. Soon after Blake left, Aaron went to the city graveyard and knelt in front of his dad’s grave. A tear dripped from his eye and Aaron explained to his father that his dream is coming true.
Aaron went back home and got on an online atlas. He planned where he and Blake would sightsee. The trip took them all over Europe. Aaron and Blake were due to fly to France next week. When the day came and Aaron and Blake were turning in their luggage, Aaron took a small bag about the size of a soccer ball onto the plane. When they landed and received all their bags, they took a cab to the hotel they would be staying at. After settling in, the boys went to the nearest bank to exchange some American dollars into Euros. Then the boys did a little sightseeing before the end of the day.
At sunrise the next morning, Blake and Aaron wake up to get ready for a full day of exploring. While Blake is getting ready, Aaron picks up the soccer ball sized bag and pulls out his dad’s Polaroid camera. After they boys were ready, they went out to eat in Paris. While they were eating, Aaron thanked Blake even more for this trip. Blake replied, “I know how much it means to you. I wouldn’t give a trip like this to anyone else.” Aaron smiled. Later in the day, Blake and Aaron went to the Eiffel Tower and took a picture in the same spot as his dad with the same camera. Aaron put the picture in his camera bag.
At the day’s end Aaron and Blake went back to the hotel. Aaron put the picture of him with the picture of his dad. The pictures looked almost identical due to the similarity in appearance between Aaron and his father. The boys decide to start their way to England in the morning. Within two days they make it to a hotel and go to see Stonehenge.
The next day, the boys went to see Big Ben. As Aaron and Blake were walking around London, a man ran up and took Aaron’s bag that had the pictures of him and his dad along with the Polaroid camera. Aaron and Blake chase after the man furiously until he disappears in an alley. Aaron falls to the ground and almost starts to cry. Blake comforts him and says, “I know what his face looks like. We will find him.” The boys decide to go back to the hotel.
After days in London, Aaron gives up. He says sadly, “We can move on to other countries, we will not find the bag.” Blake argues that they should stay, but Aaron convinces him it is fine. Soon the boys set out to Germany. While they were touring Germany, Blake started sprinting! Aaron chases after him and soon catches up. Aaron asks Blake why he is running and Blake replies, “IT IS THE MAN THAT TOOK YOUR BAG!” Puzzled at first, Aaron comes to his senses and starts chasing after him too. After minutes of chasing the man they catch him.
Tackled to the ground, the man tries to wiggle his way out. Aaron snatches the bag and everything is all there. The camera and the two pictures were present. Blake holds the man down while he asks Aaron what they should do. Aaron has never fought a man before. Aaron tells Blake to let him go. Blake then lets the man go with a look of anger on his face. The man thanks the boys with an English accent. Blake questions Aaron on why he let him go. Aaron answered, “He didn’t matter. All I wanted was the camera and pictures.”
The boys went back to their rooms and packed up their things. Despite the inconvenience, they continued their tour to their final country, Italy. Aaron was astounded by the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Blake was amazed by the Colosseum in Rome. After three incredible days in Italy the boys had to go home. When they arrive at the airport in France, Aaron takes his camera bag with him.
On the plane, Aaron takes out his pictures and looks at them. He took pictures all over Europe. When he gets home he hangs the pictures on his bulletin board. Later that day Aaron went to the store and bought a two- picture frame. He then went home and put the two pictures of himself and his father up in the living room.
Now every day when Aaron wakes up he will see the memories of his trip and remember his dad. Aaron went to his dad’s grave and put the brochure along with some flowers on the headstone. He then visited his mom to tell her of his safe return. His mom went into the closet and pulled out the same world map that inspired Aaron to go to other countries. He then folded it up and put it in his car. When he arrived home he hung the map up next to his framed pictures. He then went to sleep after a long day of travel.

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