Tarn Ville | Teen Ink

Tarn Ville

March 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a beautiful village called
Tarn Ville. Everyone loved Tar Ville and knew it was the place to have a great time. The founder of Tarn Ville used to live in a house all alone, and after her husband died in 2219, she became bitter and was the women you'd be scared to accidently lose your ball in her yard. She lived such a joyus life up untill the unexpected happned. She moped and mourned for years and she asked herself what she was doing. One day she heard a joke on the radio that made her genuinally laugh, which she hadn't done in years. She then took a walk outside and opned her eyes to how beautiful this world can really be. She watched the sun go down, and decided to put her money to use, good use. Thus, Tarn Ville began in 2232.

The people of Tarn Ville spent all of their time preparing for the visitors to come. The bakers baked all year for the tourists, and froze all excpt what they ate. The T-shirt shop made both the world's largest nd the world's smallest shirt because they wanted to have all sizes so no one would feel left out. the sweetest people worked in Tarn Ville. They never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings and were always conciderate. They are so kind, in fact, they were blind to people who would take advantage of them and walk all over them like an old, worn out door mat.

The visitors came every day except April 12th. On this day, everyone went to the annual hot air baloon festivle. The Tarn villagers always set up a booth to advertise there village, as if everyone didn't already know about it. They were always smiling and happy when they got to see the tourists they cared for so much.

Sadly, robbers and thieves stole there merchandise. Who wouldn't take advantage of such nice people? The founder already knew this would be an issue because she was the only one who wasn't completly blind to the evil in the world. She installed high tech cameras and descrete tags on all the items. When something was being stolen, she was silently notified. She then would find the person in the crowd, and ask them to step aside. She tells them her life story od "pro con pro" and concludes by telling them she expected them to steal. She then lets them go. She also gets a notification when a stolen item is returned.

The author's comments:
Be the better person.

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