Golden Drums | Teen Ink

Golden Drums

April 8, 2013
By Anonymous

There was once a great invention, a combination between a drum set and gold. It was a golden drum set. All the great drummers wanted it. There was only one of them and another would never be made. There will be copies but none of the them will have the same amount of greatness. Many people bid on the drums but a guy named frank had the highest bid. It cost 9 million dollars. Frank was just a regular guy who happened to have 9 million dollars just lying around. He was very excited for these great drums. They arrived in the mail today. He set them up and was very excited to play them but he had to go to work. He promised himself he would play them when he got home. It was a long day at work, he worked as a sales men at best buy. He told all of his friends and co-workers but they just laughed and told him it was a waste of money. He knew it was easily worth the money but no one could understand how cool the drums were. Frank just told them if you like something a lot you should spend money on it. Today felt like the longest work day but it was finally over.

Frank got home he could not hold in his excitement anymore he rushed downstairs and to his dismay his drums were gone. He freaked out running up stairs and calling the cops. The police showed up and told him they couldn’t do anything there were no clues no suspects and no evidence. Frank knew there had to be someone who knew what was going on. He called his brother Steve who worked in the CIA and asked “ do you have any idea on where my drums are” Steve did know and tried to explain that there was a group of thieves that ran around stealing stuff and bringing it to Africa. Frank has no respect for thieves and knows what he has to do. He got a license for a handgun and bought a pistol, and a ticket to Africa. His brother gave him a map of Africa and instructions to get too the base. Frank is very nerves but he knows he has to get this over with. He rents a jeep after getting to Africa and is on his way. He arrives at the base and sees two guards BAM he shoots both of them instantly. Frank sneaks into the dark cave and as the farther he gets the more light there is after about 10 minutes of sneaking he gets the center of the base. He knocks out a patrolling guard takes his radio. He uses it to ask where the drums are. “Above the airplanes” he quickly drops the radio and is on his way. He takes the drums and loads them on a plane. He opens the tunnel for the plane and every one in the base is aware of his plan. He is so close he tells himself. Frank just escaped and is out in the air with his plane and thinks his free. He turns around and sees 4 rockets flying at him. He does a loop and 2 of the rockets hit each other. So close he tells himself. The other two rockets slam against the plane his is falling fast. Frank can’t believe his gave his life trying to save his drums. Rite before he hit the ground he woke up it was all a dream. He ran downstairs and was a very happy man.

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