Here kitty kitty kitty! | Teen Ink

Here kitty kitty kitty!

April 17, 2013
By TavyLong BRONZE, Sacramento, California
TavyLong BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a cat named meow. Meow didn’t care about no one but herself. Meow was the best looking cat in all of kitty land and everyone loved her but of course they all hated her horrible personality. Meow was the biggest bully but no one dared to stand up to her. Until one day Meow decided to play a prank on her enemy the wicked witch doggy named Ruff. The kitty sent ruff a bouquet of beautiful flowers filled with endless amounts of bees.

Ruff was stung so bad that it took weeks for him to recover to plot a revenge on Meow. Finally one day Ruff recovered from his attack and got up to play with some potion. After doing test after test on his test dummy Ruff finally got the perfect mixture and poured it into a bottle of wine and mixed it. Ruff put on his favorite kitty costume and took a train into Kitty Land. When he arrived he placed the bottle at kitty’s door step and rang the doorbell and scurried off back to his home.

When meow answered her door she saw the bottle of wine and picked it up assuming it was from one of her admirers. She grabbed a glass and poured some for herself. 2 hours later as she was getting ready for bed she looked in the mirror and she had turned into a dog! Meow was so embarrassed she ran off into the night and was never seen again. The next day Ruff took over Kitty Land with his trusty army of doggies. And meow was never seen again.

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