Game Over | Teen Ink

Game Over

May 3, 2013
By Lizzie1918 BRONZE, Blackstone, Massachusetts
Lizzie1918 BRONZE, Blackstone, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke to the blazing sound of my alarm-clock at 6:30 in the morning. Today is the day I start my semi-new job. My name is Virginia Rodgers, and I have just been transferred from my old video-game testing job in Massachusetts, to the newer one in California. I guess I'm supposed to play this new game called "Call of Duty, The Real Experience." I don't understand why they don't have someone closer to them do it. It's not a fun flight, I'll tell you that much. I rolled out of my bed and thumped on the floor, face down. This is a great start to my day I thought to myself. Standing, I brushed myself off and started my morning routine, which consists of eating, getting dressed, doing my hair, brushing my teeth, etc. When I was finally done, I called up my best friend Andy to give me a ride to our awaited workplace.

Andy has been my best friend since elementary school and is basically in charge of me. He's the person that helps me keep my cool, when my gaming gets too intense. I tend to get "into" the games a lot, figuratively speaking of course. Imagine, me, literally going into a game. Haha, yeah. That's what I thought- it's impossible!

Andy pulled into my driveway a few minutes after the call. The car ride seemed to take forever, but alas, we were finally there. We went to our designated game play area and got our instructions. I examined the dark room with the nice fluffy black carpet, black leather couch and not to mention the 80 inch flat screen HDTV, or my new "office" I should say. I sat down on the slippery, cold couch and reached across to the small, dark, table to my right. It has everything I need for the "Call Of Duty" game I am about to play, including the rather large head set that I hesitantly put on. I flipped on the power for the entire station, and, through the headset, I told Andy that I was now ready.

"Roger that Rodgers" You could practically hear the smile in his voice as he hit the button enabling me to go in.

For a moment, everything was completely silent. Then all heck broke loose. Shouting was heard from every angle, backing up the deafening swooshing like noise, and to top it off, I was in complete darkness. Soon enough, I heard faint gun shots getting louder and louder and the swooshing-like noises were beginning to cease. The screaming and yelling continued but the voices were less familiar now. My vision came back to me, along with the sounds of explosions and awful shrieks of pain. Looking down, I saw a military uniform and a M16 in my hands and finally realized that I am actually IN the game.

"GET DOWN!" Some random guy yelled in my direction. Instinctively, I dropped to my knees, hoping that whatever was happening would eventually pass. I examined the surrounding area and noticed how violent this is. Cars were flipped, buildings were on fire, guns were being fired at living targets, and the worse part would be that this is going on in the middle of the street. People with families were going down left and right, falling to my feet. The aroma ascending from the lifeless beings was unbearable. Not to mention all the smoke in the air from the bombs and nearby fires. Without thinking, I ran to the nearest injured man and started to nurse his wounds, that is until I was ripped away and thrown behind a flipped car by a tall muscular man.

"RODGERS! What do you think you're doing?!" The man spat.

"I'm helping that poor man!" I spat back.

"Not on my watch! He's as good as dead now! Don't need no one dragging us down!"

"What’s wrong with yo-" I was interrupted by a bomb exploding.

"That was a close one private!" The man shouted as he stood. "You're a new recruit ain't ya?" All I could do was nod at the largely built man in front of me. He was obviously the one in charge here, and the one I had to stay close by if I wanted to complete this mission. A smile crept on his face as he realized my discomfort in this whole situation. "Well I got one word of advice for ya. Learn fast. OOH RAAA LETS GO!!" And with that, we were off into the smokey background of the violent scene fore playing ahead.

"VIRGINIA?!?!" I heard someone scream through my now smaller headset.

"Yeah?" I replied to the unknown person, as I ducked away from the danger of the battlefield.

"Virginia! It's Andy!" The voice said. "Listen here, girlie. You've been sucked into the game. Like literally."

Fear hit me like a speeding truck. "What?!" I screamed, now shaking.

"Yeah! I know! Isn't it awesome?!"

"No! Not really!" How could he think something this terrifying is in anyway cool?! "How do I get out of this stupid game?!?!"

"Calm down-"

"How am I suppose to calm down in a place like this?!" I hollered, as the prickly feeling of tears began to emerge.

"Listen. All you have to do is complete a mission, and by the looks of it, you're halfway done."

"Okay." I trembled. “What do I have to do?"

"Just follow that big scary-looking guy around until you complete the mission. Call him General. It shows respect. And now Ima let you go, so you can dodge that bomb commin' for ya." Immediately, I jumped out from my hiding place, just in time to watch the explosion from behind a car. Quickly, I stood up in hope of seeing the rather large "General" I'm supposed to follow. Eventually I spotted him behind a concrete wall, shooting at an unfortunate victim. He looked in my direction, and ran over.

"LET’S GO!" He yelled as he ran by me into the small building that was most likely holding the "Boss" of this game. We smashed the doors in to find four huge men guarding their "leader." As soon as the four men realized what was going on, they opened fire. The General, having more experience, shot all four men dead, while I sat there shocked at the bloody massacre that played before me. The general swore then whispered, "Listen here private. I'm outta ammo. Kill the guy so we can go home."

I stood on shaky legs and willed myself to fire upon another being. I raised my gun slowly, and fired at the emotionless face in front of me. Two gun shots were heard. One was the shot killing the enemy, from my gun. The other one was heard from behind me. Looking down, I saw it left a gaping hole in my chest, along with a horrific expression plastered on my face as I dropped to my knees. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the words "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" hovering in the room.

I awoke sometime later in my workplace on the slippery, cool couch. Without much thought, I ripped off my headset, unwilling to go through anything like that again.

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