Short story | Teen Ink

Short story

May 21, 2013
By Anonymous

As Dave was going hunting with Nikki she said I have this lever action gun that I want to use Dave said, let me see it He said where did you get this? Well I got it from my great grandpa said Nikki proudly. Dave said don't shoot it just keep it, it is worth a lot of money. She said, well lets sell it, I need to get some new shoes. He said no you are not that is worth about our lives. Well I want to shoot my goat with this old gun said Nikki. So they went up in the Bear tooth Mountains and they went up there saw one, then shot it then it went ran straight towards Dave and Nikki. "She was so startled that she dropped it put a big gouge in it, Why did you do that," said Dave angrily.

Dave went to the court house and asked for divorce papers so that Nikki and him. The person helping him gave him the papers and asked what happened if you don't mind me asking. "Well we always fight and then we never work it out and Why do you need to know what is going on," said Dave angrily. Well I wanted to know so if it wasn't that bad then I could help you keep your marriage. Dave went out the court house doors that were kind of tinted. Every step down the rough stairs he was thinking what could I have done that would have prevented this divorce . He then sat down and looked out and he was staring of into space, seeing himself falling apart. A person walked up and asked if every thing was alright.

The street stretch away from where she stood, looking at her, there she looked back and he wanted her back. But she turned back around and kept on walking away. "She texted him saying that they are over with," said Nikki sadly. She made his life full and now it is like there is a bomb in his heart and it exploded, now he is trying to fit the pieces together to make it whole. Part of his heart is missing a piece and it is with her and he won't ever get that back. The street that her watched her leave he always goes back and sees if she is coming back or even coming back. He thought to himself there is a right person for me, and it is not her said Dave angrily. Why did she just do it over a text. Three weeks later he saw her with another boy and Dave was thinking that I hope he buys you flowers. Dave was sitting here across main street by the railroad tracks and wondering what I could have done to make her stay. When one of my old friends came up and sat by me. "He said whats the matter?" Dave said disappointingly "I got a divorce with Nikki."

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