Ninja Gaiden XII | Teen Ink

Ninja Gaiden XII

May 29, 2013
By Anonymous

“Come on already; We have to get out of here,” screamed Axel as he was running away from shuriken that were flying in every direction towards him. “I’m trying they have me pinned down; I can’t move,” Ace yelled back to Axel while he was dodging kunai and shurikens in every direction. “I’ll give you cover fire if you can make it,” proclaimed Axel as he barely avoided a kunai to the abdomen. “Here I will help you out,” Ace said as he threw a flash grenade stunning the 30 other ninjas that were attacking them.
“Dang that was a close one, if you would have stayed in there for another minute you would have been dead even with my help,” said Axel as he took a drink of water from the canteen that was in his satchel, “You know what? I guess I’ll have to treat us to a couple of beers when we get back home for a job well done.” “Thanks man, but I guess since we are partying tonight we are going to need to work extra hard tomorrow to work off the hangover,” Said Ace jokingly. “Hey, want to know something we should do that we haven’t done in a long time,” Axel said curiously to Ace, “we have to spar like old time; like back when we were teenagers just dying to graduate out of the academy so we could become professional ninjas like we are now.” Ace stares at Axel for a long time with a questionable look on his face and then finally replies, “You know what, I think that would be a perfect idea to show you that you can’t beat me up like you used to.
As Ace and Axel are driving back to their hotel to get ready for a long nights sleep, but when they arrive, their whole lives are about to change. As Axel walks in the door, a few things don’t feel right: the lighting in the main lobby is a lot dimmer than usual, they smell a slight hint of a rotting corpse, and there is a long but yet small shadow figure on the floor that could have only been casted from above them since no one else was there. “Hey, do you smell that,” Axel slowly asked Ace as they walked into the lobby through the front door. “Yeah man, it kind of smells like a dead body, you know what I mean; its’ like a bad road kill smell” replied ace as he was smelling the air. “Hmm, maybe we should check behind the front desk to see if there is anyone underneath the desk,” Ace said slowly as he was readying his hand on his shurikens ready to throw them at anything that tried to attack them.
“Hey Axel,” Ace hollered across the lobby to Axel, “looks like we got ourselves a free night here once we get these ignorant jerks who killed the manager.” As Axel walks over to Ace trying to hear what he was saying, the Hikuras (the Ninja Guidan’s rival clan) burst off the top of the banner that was hanging down; from the ceiling and attempted to attack Axel. “Axel! Move,” shouted Ace as Naomi, the leader of the Hikuras, attempted to thrust his saber into Axel. Wham! Naomi’s saber hit the ground in front of Axel barely missing his feet. “I’ve been waiting to get at you for a long time, Axel,” said Naomi as he was lifting up the blade, “you have no idea how bad I have been wanting to do this.”
“Naomi, my brother,” Axel said readying his katana, “you killed our family, our own flesh and blood; the people who gave birth to us… You made a bad choice on coming here.” Naomi replied back to Axel while slowly drawing his samurai sword from his holster, “Well,what are you going to do about it, sit back and…” Naomi jumps over to Ace in an instant and holds him hostage with a knife to his throat, “watch me kill your best friend? Or fight this out like true ninja’s or am I going to need to force you to,” said Naomi as he put the blade closer to Ace’s throat.
“Touch him you ungrateful ***** it will be the last thing you do,” said Axel to Naomi while grunting in anger, “you out of all people should know that if you mess with my friends you will pay the price.” “Oh really, well, I guess we are going to need to test out this theory,” said Naomi slowly but lightly cutting into Ace’s neck just barely drawing enough crimson red blood so that Axel could see. “You’re going to pay for that,” Axel yelled at Naomi getting ready to strike. “Ah, ah, ah, no touchy unless you want to get your precious friend dead,” said Naomi sarcastically to Axel. “I swear to god Naomi, if you make that incision in Ace’s neck any bigger I will kill you,” said Axel breathing heavily looking around at his surroundings trying to find a way to get an edge on Naomi; so he doesn’t end up hurting, Ace anymore then he has.
“Look, Naomi, let Ace go; and then it will be a fight between me and you,” said Axel readying his hand on the hilt of his samurai sword, “trust me, this will be a fight you will never forget.” “Well the, I guess we are going to need to see about that,” Naomi said with a twisted grin on his face, as he let Ace down.
As the two stand 50 meters apart from each other, the room gets cold, with Ace lying on the floor with a slight cut in his neck, he starts coughing up blood. Axel walks over and picks him up then whispers in his hear, I won’t let you down, you will live. “Well, I guess it’s me and you n---,” Axel said as Naomi sprinted across the room and launched his sword into Axel’s back and into his torso. “Well, it seems this fight didn’t last long,” Naomi said in a snake like voice.Slowly, Axel turned around with the sword still lodged in his mid-section, and he let out a slow maniacal laugh and said, “Oh really, I guess you may as well take a better look,” Axel said from behind Naomi as the pulled out his sword and leapt into the raptors making space between the two. “Well well, well, it looks like someone has mastered the art of clone jinjitsu, I remember back when you couldn’t even be able to teleport sprint,” said Naomi with a slight cackle.
In a flash, Axel leaps down from the raptors with his hand on his hilt once again only to face his brother, this was the last battle these two had for several years, and quite possibly the most destructive and violent of all, this is how it all started.
Chapter 1: A late night nightmare

“Hey Naomi, come check out this huge coy fish that Ace and I just found in the pond,” Axel yelled to Naomi as he was running back into the house to grab his brother to show him the magical feat they just found. “It’s huge Naomi it has to be over seven fo---,” Axel stopped mid-sentence dead in his tracks in his Japanese lake house that was made of imported bamboo and silk curtains for door. “What happened to mommy and daddy? They are dead,” the six year old boy named Axel said as he scurried across the room to see them one last time. “Mommy,” Axel said in a soft voice crying, “Naomi why would you do this! All they ever did was love us and you killed them.” “All will explain in due time little brother,” Naomi said as he put his blood stained sword in his holster that was always located on his back. “Just remember one thing Axel,” Naomi said with a serious face, “they never loved you and by gradually finding out their past, they would have killed you,” Axel slowly backed away and started to bolt outside to grab Ace and run away; and the; last thing that he heard and still echoes in his mind today is, the more you run away from the past, the faster it will be to come and catch up to you in the future.

About an hour later after they continuously ran through the woods, they had decided that they had had enough for one night and that they would get about an hour or two of sleep.

After Axel had fallen asleep, he got nearly 15 minutes of sleep and then kept on waking up realizing that Ace was up in a tree beside him. Ace slept up in a tree in the dense woods that night, keeping an eye on Axel who was sleeping inside of a light bush. It looked very uncomfortable from his point of view but, you had to sleep where you had to sleep.
Six o’clock came around earlier that morning and the sun light had just barely began to sneak its way in through the small canopy the leaves had made above the two children. When the first ray of light hit Ace’s eyes, he leapt off the tree and started to wake up, Axel, when he realized that the two were being watched by an adult figure.

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